30+ Hobbies for Adults That Recharge

A few months ago, in the weekly Friday questions on Instagram, someone asked for recommendations for hobbies that recharge (rather than hobbies that tend to be draining like doomscrolling or binge watching a show).

I LOVED this question and have been thinking about it nonstop since it came in.

Over the last few years, I’ve worked really hard to make sure my life includes fun, enjoyment and relaxation, since it’s very easy for my life to be all work and making dinner and keeping the house clean and running errands.

I want better than that!

I asked on Instagram for suggestions of hobbies that help you recharge and there were so many great suggestions – here are some of my favorites!

(P.S. If you want a terrific book on this topic, I highly recommend The Power of Fun)

hobbies for adults

30+ Hobbies That Recharge

Aren’t you unbelievably shocked to see this on the list? I feel like I sometimes have to force myself to put down my phone and pick up a book, but I’m always more engaged and relaxed by having read an actual book instead of captions and articles on my phone.

Doing a Jigsaw Puzzle
Of course I couldn’t have a hobby list without one of my favorite hobbies – doing puzzles (these are some of my favorites from 2024)! After long and stressful days I love to unwind with a favorite puzzle and an audiobook.

My favorite kind of thrifting is from my couch – hello ThredUp! Thrifting is a fantastic way to buy higher quality items for a fraction of the cost. Plus, who doesn’t get energized after a treasure hunt!

Going to the Library
I am an avid user of my public library. They have so many books and other resources that keep me and my family entertained. Every time I come home from a library trip, I am giddy about all my new books. I usually don’t last long before I am cracking one open to read!

If you enjoy it, this is definitely a hobby that can make you feel so accomplished! Being able to take something that looks and feels so cluttered and make it clean and organized gives me all the happy feels.

I started doing it in 2024 and I’ve loved it as a way to wind down before bed. This journal is a three year journal with a few lines every day to record special or funny moments with your kids (or just your life). (P.S. My Flecks of Gold code is EVERYDAYREADING).

Planning Travel
We LOVE to travel – as a family, just Bart and I, or one-on-one kids trips – we do it all! And besides the actual trips themselves, I really enjoy planning the trips. Finding activities, historical places, and restaurants in a new place gets me so excited. I also love to plan out books to read to get us prepped for the upcoming trip.

I really love this suggestion! I love to try out a new recipe or use a recipe I’ve loved for years – and it’s a bonus to get something yummy to eat at the end of it all. One of my goals for 2025 is to make 5 things from the cookbook Baking with Dorie, and I think it will be so much fun!

Doing Legos 
Some people like to build Legos to play with them after and some like to build and put them on display. These icon sets definitely fall into the later – perfect for adults who still have a love for LEGOS.

Social Hobbies

Playing a Game
We are a huge game family and it’s one of my favorite ways to spend time with my family. I am probably one of the most competitive game players and I am always in an excited mood after a game session! See all of our favorite family board games here or our favorite games to play with just two people here!

Planning a Party
I love having people over to my house for a party and I feel like Bart and I have a really good system down for having people over. Plus, I just feel so glad after socializing and having a great time with friends and families. If you are looking for some fun simple parties to plan these are some of my favorites!

Wrapping a Gift 
I personally love wrapping presents and have since I was a little girl – in fact, I’d beg my mom (who doesn’t particularly love wrapping) to let me help with the gift wrapping whenever a birthday or holiday rolled around. (I even wrote an entire post with tips for wrapping presents.)

Seeing Friends
If there is one hobby I want to make sure I have time for, it’s this one! Two years ago, some friends invited us and another family over for snacks in the afternoon and we sat around chatting and laughing with our kids playing for so long that we ended up ordering takeout for dinner so we could all stay. It was magic!

Musical Hobbies

Listening to Music
I barely listen to music (if I have listening time, I’d pick an audiobook every day of the week)., but I know how the right music can really set the mood and give you the energy needed to power through the rest of the work day or finish up a project that needs to be done.

Singing Karaoke
There is nothing that compares! While on our family trip to Japan we stopped to do karaoke and my girls were in HEAVEN. I also had the best time – one of the highlights of our trip for sure!

Making Music 
Fun fact about me: I was a HUGE violin player when I was younger. And although I haven’t picked up a violin in roughly 20 years, there is something so magical about making music.

Outdoor Hobbies

Going Outside
One of my big goals every year is to get outside more. In the summer I like to ride one of our electric scooters or my bike on nearby errands, eat outside, and read, play games, or do puzzles on the back porch. And during the winter I imagine it will look like a walk, but it might be sledding with the girls or skiing as a family. I work from home and it’s easy for me to basically never leave the house for many days, but it makes my mood so much better when I get some fresh air and stretch my legs.

Something I really miss about our old house is the big garden we had going there. I found it very relaxing to tend to the garden and it’s so gratifying to grow actual food! In this house, I have a few zucchini plants in the backyard and some herbs on my back porch, which are fun.

Sitting in a Jacuzzi 
We don’t own a jacuzzi, but I imagine this as the most relaxing version of a swimming pool. Doing even a short soak would be the refresh I would need after a long day!

Self-Care Hobbies

Taking a Bath
I’m not a huge bather, but for those that are, it looks like the loveliest time (bubbles, candles, and even a book). Throw in some bath salts and you have the perfect relaxing hobby! If you are more like me and love showering these are my favorite shower steamers to make my showers feel like absolute luxury!

Painting Your Nails
I almost always have my nails and toenails painted not only because I love how it looks, but it is super relaxing. And if you’ve been around here for awhile, you already know I own WAY more Olive & June nail polish than one person could possibly need. Here are my favorite colors and a full unpaid review on why I love their polish so much.

Taking a Nap
If you’ve been around here for any time at all, you know I take my sleep very seriously and it sounds like some of you do to! There is nothing that can compare to a much needed nap to recharge for the rest of the day.

Active Hobbies

One of my friends got a group of women together to play pickleball one morning a week. This is the kind of thing that is HARD for me (give up work time?? Do I have to??) but every time I go, I’m SO glad I do. It’s so nice to get outside (or inside, when the weather is cold and snowy), see some old friends and meet new people, and do something active. As a side note – we’ve also been doing pickleball as a family one night a week and that’s also been absolutely delightful.

There are THOUSANDS of free Yoga videos on YouTube and it’s such a great way to get your body moving and get those endorphins flowing. And although I always feel exhausted after a yoga session, it really does energize me for the rest of the day.

Everyone in our family can now ride a bike and it’s such a delight when the weather is nice to go for a post-dinner bike ride around the neighborhood. It’s such a great way to wrap up the day without feeling burned out.

I haven’t always found joy in running, but just recently I’ve really started to like it. I wasn’t looking to be a marathoner, but I wanted to be able to consistently run a few miles without feeling like dying. More details here about how I started running here!

Group Fitness Classes –
If you thrive in a group setting, fitness classes are an excellent way to recharge. Whether it’s high-intensity interval training (HIIT), dance cardio, yoga, or spin, there’s something about working out with others that amplifies motivation and enjoyment. When I don’t want to go to the gym, I do love the workout classes from Healthy U TV (it’s a year membership for $0.49!)

Crafty Hobbies

This is one of those hobbies that once you get going you can really build momentum. Aside from the hooks/needles and a skein or more of yarn, crocheting and knitting is a pretty low-key hobby. Plus, when it’s all said and done you end up with something to wrap yourself up in.

Cross Stitch & Embroidery 
This is such a great year-round hobby. It’s the perfect way to keep yourself entertained during the the long cold days or this summer when you’re home more with more free time to fill!

Watercolor Painting
I’m not a very artistic person, but my girls are, and I can attest that these watercolor classes are fantastic! There is really nothing better than creating something beautiful with your own two hands.

My present day version of scrapbooking is making our annual photobook and family videos for the year. There is nothing better than getting memories off your phone and into a book or video so you can enjoy it whenever you’d like. Mixbook makes BEAUTIFUL photobooks that are simple to create, and here are more details about how I make our family videos!

Calligraphy and Handlettering
A few summers ago, my girls got REALLY into hand lettering. It’s such a fabulous down time activity or something to do while you are listening to an audiobook. Here are some of our favorite hand lettering workbooks we’ve enjoyed!

If there is something you should know about me, it is that I cannot draw to save my life. But, if you are artistic or want to improve your drawing skills, all you need to start is a pencil. I love that drawing gets your brain into a creative groove!

Diamond Painting
This is one of those activities that is inexpensive (you can get a a diamond painting kit for under $10), entertaining, and slightly addictive. My girls love diamond painting and I love that they are mess free. See our favorite diamond painting kits here!

Coloring Books for Adults
Adult coloring has become much more popular in the recent years and there are so many options! One of my personal favorites are the color by number Querkles – so unique and fun for kids and adults alike!

I’d love to hear what other hobbies you’d add to this list!

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