A Trick for New Year’s Resolutions I Learned from My Mom
This post is sponsored by Seed but opinions are my own
My family was VERY big into goal setting when I was growing up.
It was a big part of our end of year to sit down with a little chart my parents printed out and set goals in a number of different categories, complete with timeline and how we’d measure success.
Now as an adult, I still love setting goals for the coming year (and I’ll share some of my 2022 goals in a few weeks!).
A couple of years ago, my mom mentioned to me that one thing she loved to do was get a jump start on her New Year’s Resolutions by choosing one or two to start in November or December.
I LOVED this idea!
It can be kind of overwhelming to try to start a bunch of new things on January 1st, but choosing one or two to start a few weeks ahead of time?
It doesn’t have to be a huge goal – it might be reading in bed for 20 minutes before you go to sleep or putting your phone away for the thirty minutes before your kids go to school or drinking more water or getting outside for at least ten minutes a day.
And the best part is that, by the time January 1st rolls around, you already have some momentum going instead of feeling like you’re starting at square one.
And it helps keep it from feeling like the whole holiday season is just a complete departure from your good habits.
I’ve been thinking about this New Year’s Resolution trick since I started taking Seed’s DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic (a prebiotic and probiotic) in late October.
Seed is a probiotic AND a prebiotic that was developed for systemic benefits beyond just digestive health – it also supports cardiovascular health, dermatological health, gut barrier integrity, and micronutrient synthesis.
I started taking two capsules every morning, their recommended dose, after I work out and before I eat breakfast. Just that simple habit not only makes my body feel great but reminds my brain first thing in the morning that I take care of my body and can maintain good habits.
That’s a pretty powerful way to start the day, especially during the busyness of the holiday season!
And if you haven’t tried Seed before, I can’t rave enough about them.
You may have tried other probiotics before and not seen much of a difference – that’s because most probiotics get destroyed by your stomach acid before they even have a chance to reach your small intestine.
Seed, on the other hand, has a 2-in-1 capsule – these nestled capsules means it has 100% survivability of the probiotic to your colon. The prebiotic outer capsule is made from Indian pomegranate and serves to protect the inner probiotic not only from your digestive tract, but from environmental factors like temperature, which means it doesn’t need to be refrigerated.
I keep my glass bottle on my kitchen counter so I’m reminded to take it every day and it’s been an easy habit to pick up!
I’ve been SUPER impressed with Seed and it really helps my whole body feel great all day long. You can use my code JANSSEN20 for 20% off your first month’s supply through the end of the year.
It’s such a simple habit with big benefits and I’m glad I didn’t wait until January 1st rolled around to start!
Have you ever tried this New Year’s Resolution trick? I’d love to hear what simple habit you could start now!
Photos by Heather Mildenstein
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