The 2022 Book Tracker
Looking for a copy of this book tracker? Pop in your email below and it’ll come right to your inbox!
One of my favorite things about the end of the year has become releasing the annual book tracking log.
You may remember the original one from Hadley Designs and last year’s from Carrot Top Paper Shop (both of them are available still as 2022 versions, if you’d like to use one of them this year too!).
And now?
This STUNNING 2022 book tracker from HnH Design Shop is here!
When Hanna sent me the first draft earlier this month, I’m pretty sure my face looked exactly like the heart eyes emoji.
There are 101 book spines so you can track up to 101 books (after lots of feedback from you, the book spines are bigger this year than last year so they’ll be easier to write on even in the smaller print sizes).
If your goal is to read 12 books in 2022, then you can color in everything except for 12 books spines.
If you’re aiming for 25 or 50 or 80, you can do the same.
If you read MORE than 101, fill this one up and then print off a second one!
There are so many ways to use the book tracker – you can print off a big version and hang it on your wall or a smaller size that fits on a bulletin board or a small version to tape or glue in the front of your planner or journal.
(If you’d like to print off a big size, here are the step-by-step directions for how to do an engineering print – you’ll be hooked on how spectacular they are AND how cheap they are!)
You can write the titles of the books you want to read this year on the spines and then color them in when you’ve finished them.
You could color them all in now and then write the titles in as you read them.
You can use a color code to differentiate between audiobooks and paper books or grown-up books and read-alouds or books by diverse authors or new releases and classics.
Basically the book log possibilities are endless.
And it’s perfect for all ages – kids and adults alike.
Another fun thing we added this year was daily reading tracking, if you’d like to use it. You’ll notice the little circles that make a border around the edge – there’s one for every day of the year, so if you want to track how many days you read in 2022, you can color in a circle each day that you read.
Hanna made them subtle enough that if you DON’T want to track your daily reading, it’s fine to just leave them blank or color them in for fun.
No matter how you choose to use the 2022 Book Tracker, I hope it’ll make this coming year of reading one of your best yet.
I can’t wait to see you use this – it’s going to be a fantastic year!
You can sign up to get a copy of it here and it’ll come right to your inbox!
P.S. As you print and use this over the coming weeks and months, I’d be thrilled if you’d please share it with me on Instagram – tag me @everydayreading and Hanna @hnhdesignshop so we can see them out in the wild!
If you liked this post about the 2022 free book tracker, you might also like these other posts:
- The 2021 Summer Reading Guide
- How the Everyday Reading Book Club Works
- Two Studies about the Benefits of Audiobooks
Photos by Heather Mildenstein
Just downloaded. It’s gorgeous! My daughter is so excited to start coloring😍
It’s the best day of the year! Last year was the first time I did a reading log since elementary school homework days and I loved it! I used the original Hadley Designs one, but printed the 2021 version. I printed it a medium-large size (11×17 I think?) and taped it to the outside of a picture frame, which I attached to the wall with a velcro command strip so I can take it on and off easily throughout the year to color and add book titles as I go. The frame makes it look nice on the wall and I’ve really enjoyed having it next to my desk all year! I used a different color book spine for each month, so it’s been fun to see it grow more colorful as the year progresses. I love this year’s design and I’m so looking forward to starting my new chart!
I feel silly but I can’t find the link to download this! Can you help!
Near the bottom of the post, it says to put in your email address and it’ll come right to your inbox – enter your info there and you’ll have it within a minute or two!
Thank you so much! I’m following you both and appreciate this cool book log poster!!
This is beautiful. I’m going to take it and have it printed out big. I don’t have any art on my walls as I live in a student apartment but this is too lovely not to. I read more than this so I think I will use it for my favorite books that month or challenge books.
Thanks for putting this together! Excited to share this with my kiddos too. Appreciate your efforts!
This is amazing! I can’t wait to share with my kids. They are going to love it!
I haven’t received this log in my inbox. Would you mind sending it to me as well? I am happy to have recently found you and hope to join in the book club at least a few times this next year!
Hi Amber, I just sent you a direct email. Enjoy!
Hi There,
These printables are so beautiful. Will you share all the 2022 designs with me? Also, am I allowed to share any of them with my 8th grade students (I’m an English teacher). Thanks!
Hi Nicole, I just sent you a direct email with the designs. Please do share them with your students! We love to see them used in classrooms! As long as you are not selling them, you can use them and share them however you see fit.
I love this for families with kids — for family read-aloud books, for individual readers, for everyone! I’m sharing with every mom I know! ❤️
I love this for families with kids — for family read-aloud books, for individual readers, for everyone! I’m sharing with every mom I know
You love books? So do I!
I’m not getting an email with the log?
I also am having trouble getting the download (I am 110% positive this a user error on my part lol) Is there any way to have it sent directly or point my a little more in the right direction? Thank you
Hi Joelle, I just sent you a direct email. Enjoy!
Thank you so much!!! I honestly appreciate it
Hi there! I just sent it directly to you email. Please let me know if you run into any problems!
Will you make one for 2023?
I tried the link multiple times and have still not received a copy in my inbox (or spam). Would you be able to send it to me directly?
Just sent it your way!
I’ve requested this a couple of times and haven’t received it. Can you send it directly?
Also, will one be made for 2023? As a school librarian, this would be awesome to hang by my desk to show students what I’ve read throughout the year!
Just sent that your way! And yes, there will be a new one this year!
This is so beautiful! I printed it at the start of the year in a large size. I consider myself an avid reader and still feel like I’m falling so short every time I look at this poster. There are just so many books to fill/color in. It would be great if there were different options for people to choose from (25, 50, 75, 100 books). Or 1 design with a smaller number of books and people can print it out numerous times if they fill it up. I realize this is a lot of work and this is a free activity, but just a thought. I started coloring it at the beginning of the year but haven’t had the time since then. Visually though, the design is beautiful!
We considered that the first year we did it, but I couldn’t get a designer on board to do multiple versions for free so we decided 100 was a good middle ground where you aren’t printing out tons if you read a lot, but you can color in everything except the ones you plan to do (say 25).
Will you be making one of these for 2023? Even just the same one with a 23 in place of the 22? 😉
Yes! There will be a new one and an updated version of this one!