
The (Free!) 2023 Halloween Calendar

Looking for a copy of the reading Halloween Calendar? Pop in your email below and it’ll come right to your inbox!

halloween calendar

Ah, I love September! It starts to feel like fall is around the corner and I love the crisper mornings and the more predictable school schedule.

And, of course, Halloween not too far away!

One of my favorite parts of the season is pulling out my beloved Halloween book collection and having a reading Halloween calendar to go along with those books makes it even more delightful!

This is the fourth year I’ve released one and I am obsessed with the design that Spaghetti Tree Games came up with. After the massive popularity of last year’s Christmas reading calendar with a holiday scene, I loved the idea of having a Halloween scene and she truly knocked it out of the park.

halloween calendar

I love the many fun details in this year’s Halloween calendar (I just kept discovering one delightful thing after another!) and I hope you love it just as much!


Let me tell you a little bit about this haunted house Halloween calendar:

  • It’s absolutely free! You can download as many copies as you’d like for your personal use (pop your email address in at the top or bottom of this post and it’ll come right to your inbox). You’re also welcome to print out copies of this countdown till Halloween for your neighbors, your classroom or your library – as long as you’re not selling it, we love to see it get used!
  • You can print it whatever size you’d like! I have a soft spot in my heart for the 36×48 engineering print which costs about $8 to print (instructions for printing engineer prints here).  But it’s also terrific at a 24×36 size and if you want something a bit smaller, I love an 18×24 because it fits beautifully on the back of a door. You can even print it on a regular sheet of paper with your home printer!halloween calendar
  • It’s the best of all Halloween coloring pages! Grab crayons or markers or colored pencils and go to town – there are so many delightful details and it’s so much fun to color. You can color it all at once at the beginning of the month or do a Halloween countdown and color a bit every day as you read along!
  • There is a reading activity every day from October 1 – October 30! Obviously the highlight of the advent countdown calendar for Halloween is reading daily with your children or students. At the bottom of the Halloween calendar there is a suggested activity for each day – you can do them in any order you’d like and if you need some book ideas, here is a huge list of my favorite Halloween picture books.

halloween calendar

I hope you love using this Halloween calendar as much as we loved creating it – just pop in your email address below and a printable copy will come straight to your inbox!

P.S. There are three previous Halloween advent calendars still available for free too – this one by Rad & Happy, this one from Pippi Post and last year’s calendar by Lydia Jean!

halloween calendar

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  1. Im in the same boat as a lot of others. Signed up, have checked all the spam locations and still nothing… is there any way I can get a direct email with this calendar as well as Lydia jeans from last year?!? Pretty please!!?!

  2. Can someone directly email it to me as well? I’ve submitted my name and email a couple times and nothing has come. Thanks.

  3. Thank you so much! I teach middle school and would love one that has some higher level challenges. But I just told students if they read for 20 minutes it can sub any of the tasks! I made a printer sized copy and added an October month page to the back to have students write the title of the book. I’m really excited to add this to my classroom!

    I wanted to add a picture of the calendar page for you. But the comments won’t let me.

  4. I’m having the same problem as well. Could I get it sent directly to my email. And thank you so much for putting the time into this! We have a lot of Halloween books but I love adding a little something extra to change it up….and during Halloween since it’s usually focused on Christmas. thank you!

  5. My kids are absolutely loving this! We have had such fun reading some of your recommended Halloween books along with the activities on this calendar. It’s a great one!

  6. Any chance I can get this directly sent to my email? I can’t get the subscribe link to work.

    Thank you!


  7. I am not getting the downloads in my mailbox either. Any suggestions? I am so excited to try the Christmas Advent Reading!

  8. Hi! I love the calendars that you do but every time I never receive the download. It looks like everyone has the same issue. Maybe you can find a way to make it easier to download so that you do not have to spend time emailing people directly.
    I would love the Halloween and Christmas ones if you have them. Many thanks and have a fab day!

    1. Usually it’s less than 1% of people that have trouble with it – tens of thousands of people have downloaded the Halloween one and we’ve manually sent it to maybe a couple hundred. I wish there was a perfect system that worked every single time, but this one is pretty darn good!

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