Our Favorite Games for Two People
It’s no secret that we are a GAME family.
We have a big game closet in our basement playroom, but our favorites almost never go downstairs and instead keep up a semi-permanent residence on our dining room bookshelf because they get used almost daily.
After my last post about some of our favorite board games, I got a lot of requests for games for 2 people.
A chance to talk more about our favorite games? COUNT ME IN.
These games are perfect for 2 people and ones that Bart and I play on our own after the girls go to bed or that my two older girls can play together or that I play with just one of my girls.
Our Favorite Games for 2 People
Ticket to Ride
This was the game that really got Bart and me hooked on playing games with just the two of us. I remember lots of winter weekend mornings playing Ticket to Ride during our first year of marriage. Sometimes, just to switch things up, we each take two sets of trains and two main missions.
I mentioned I was working on this post and listed this game and Bart said, “Have you ever played it with just two people?” Clearly he hasn’t, but Ella and I play this one together frequently.
Cover Your Assets
This was DEFINITELY our game of 2019 and it’s such a good one because even my 4 year old can play very well, and you can have a big group or play with just 2 people. And it’s fast (usually 10 minutes) and portable. We’ve played many a game of Cover Your Assets on vacation or waiting for our oil to get changed.
Sleeping Queens
This isn’t one I’d play with other adults, but for a kids game, it’s remarkably enjoyable and also quick to play.
Settlers of Catan
In Arizona, when Ella had half-days every Wednesday, we’d spend an hour or so together of special time and almost always, she chose Settlers. I actually prefer playing it with 2 people because the board doesn’t get so clogged up.
Dutch Blitz
This is one of our favorite games when we just want to play something quickly. It’s perfect for 2 people or bigger groups too, so it’s a go-to at our house. The expansion pack is cheaper and you don’t need the original to play.
Spot It
Spot It is a long-time family favorite that’s been getting a lot of play time in our family recently as Tally discovers the joy of this super simple game.
Phase 10
This game can take FOREVER, so we usually play either odds or evens or even just pick 3 phases.
This looks like it’s going to be our 2020 game. We play it with Ella (and sometimes Ani) at least a few times a week and Bart and I play 2-3 games of it in a row several nights a week after the girls go to bed (this is what happens when you don’t have any show you’re watching). I LOVE this game, even if Bart beats me 80% of the time.
This is Ella’s favorite game and she asks to play it every single day after school. It’s a collaborative game, so you either all win together or lose together and it’s very fun.
I mean, not only is this a game for 2 people, it can also be a game for ONE person. Bart and I played this in the hospital after Ella was born and that’s probably why she loves games so much.
Do you have other favorite games for 2 people? I’d love to hear – we’re always up for another board or card game!
If you liked this post about games for Two people, you might like these posts too:
- 10 games to play with young children that won’t bore you to tears
- 20+ activities for kids to do while they listen to audiobooks or read alouds
- The best audiobooks for family road trips
Photos by Heather Mildenstein
Sequence! My favourite 2 person game that can also be played with 4 people to make it really fun. We also enjoy regular card games, things like battleships, connect 4, mastermind, pick-up sticks, and mille borne (a French card game).
Lost Cities is a two person game that I really love.
Lost Cities is great. Also my 5 year old and I play Outfoxed and Enchanted Forest all the time. Actually enjoyable for me.
Pandemic is one of my favorite games too! Good taste Ella. Patchwork is one of my favorite 2 player games. It’s fun because it’s designed for 2 players. We also really like Splendor, Sagrada, and Azul.
This it completely random, but any chance you could snap a photo of your dining room bookshelf? We also have a bookshelf in our dining room/kitchen area. We keep games on ours as well, along with other things, and it is a hot mess! I can never figure out how to organize it to my liking, and your shelves always look so nice!
Ticket to Ride has been our favorite two-person game for the past three years! So much fun! In the early years of dating and marriage, my husband and I played Phase 10 all the time, especially with family. We even took it to our honeymoon in Greece and played it! Blink by Mattel games is big in our house right now.
I’ve only played Dominion with 2 players! lol Our family loves games too. Our favorite is Settlers of Catan. Thanks for the ideas!
Play nine! My kids all love it and we play it a ton!
Not for young kids but my husband and I love to play forbidden desert (or forbidden island or forbidden sky) and any of the Disney villainous games. They also have a marvel villainous game now too. These 2 player games have been great for date nights at home this year.
We really love 7 Wonders Duels, Targi and Wingspan. My husband and I have a board game date once a week and those are ones we always come back to.
Jaipur is one of our favorite 2 person only games. Also Kingdomino
We love skip bo and sky jo. Both are great with just 2 people or lots of people!
I don’t usually comment on things, but my sister and I love Stratego. It’s always been our favorite tw0 person game.