
What We’re Giving Our Four Girls for Christmas This Year

Every year, THE single most popular gift guide on my blog is what we’re actually giving our girls for Christmas.

It’s one thing to share a list of ideas – it’s another to share what you’re really wrapping for your own family under the tree.

Like most bloggers, I use affiliate links when possible which means that I earn a tiny percentage for purchases made through the links in my posts. This doesn’t change the price you pay for any items. I also have relationships (past or present) with some of the businesses included on this list, including Kiwi Crate, Zappos and Highlights. I personally choose all the products on all my gift guides – consider yourself disclaimed. 

Gift ideas for girls


  • Trampoline. All four of our girls requested a trampoline on their Christmas lists. We had one in Arizona and they’ve missed it terribly since we moved. We won’t assemble it until spring, but it’ll be a fun surprise on Christmas morning and something to look forward to when warm weather comes again.

For Ella (who is TEN and a half) 

  • Bluetooth HeadphonesShe’s been BEGGING for a pair of these since school started and she’s going to be thrilled to see these show up under the tree this year!
  • A year of Kiwi CoI renewed everyone’s Kiwi Co subscription for Christmas. Ella has been doing the Doodle Crate this fall and absolutely LOVES it. You can use the code EDR for 50% off your first month of any of the Kiwi Co lines!
  • New BackpackAni got a new backpack this fall because her zipper ripped the first week of school. Ella’s backpack was perfectly fine, but a bit small for all the things she now has to take to school including a laptop every day, so she’s requested a new one.
  • Ski Bib. Ella is so excited about ski season this year. She really caught the bug for it last year and she and Bart skied together quite a bit between Christmas and February. She’s outgrown her ski bib and needed a new pair.
  • Monopoly DealIt’s not Christmas at our house without a new game and this is a total winner (I included it on my $5 gift guide this year!) that we don’t own. Expect to see us all holiday break playing this!
  • Hula HoopIn our most recent monthly meetings with each of our girls, we asked them to bring us a list of things they might want for Christmas. Every single one of them mentioned a hula hoop, so we’re getting them each one. Easy $5 of happiness.

For Ani (who just turned eight) 

  • Bluetooth HeadphonesAfter I found out that the kids headphones we had weren’t as good at volume protection as I thought, I put a new pair for each of the girls on my list.
  • A year of Kiwi Co. Ani gets the classic Kiwi Crate and it’s just perfect for her. You can use the code EDR for 50% off your first month of any of the Kiwi Co lines (P.S. These are a great gift to request from grandparents if they’re asking for suggestions!).
  • Set. Another game we love but don’t own.
  • American Doll Horse. We have an IMPRESSIVE array of American Girl dolls and accessories (my sisters and I had them growing up and I have SO MANY outfits). This will be a fun addition for them.
  • Disney Embroidery SetAs you may know, Ani is super into all things crafty and art related and when I spotted this embroidery set, I knew she’d be a fan!
  • Hula Hoop. And . . .here’s Ani’s hula hoop.

For Star (who is almost SIX) 

  • Bluetooth HeadphoneAnd a pair of bluetooth headphones for Star.
  • Kiwi Crate.  She’s loved the Koala Crate and although she could probably handle the Kiwi Crate, she really enjoys having the same level as Tally so they can do their projects in tandem.
  • Horse for American doll. I know that with Ani getting one, Star will enjoy hers much more too when they can play with them together. We may get one for Tally for her birthday in February.
  • Play kitchen. We had a play kitchen when Ella was little but gave it away during one of our many moves. But now is the moment when I think Tally (and also her sisters) would just LOVE one. This is probably the Christmas gift I’m most excited about this year. Also, it’s more than $100 off right now!
  • Hula HoopDid I already mention everyone is getting a hula hoop?

For Tally (who is almost four) 

  • Wired Headphones. Tally is my only child who doesn’t own a pair of headphones and she’s been asking for them for AGES. I won’t lie – I can’t wait to see her face when she opens them!
  • A year of Kiwi CoShe gets the Koala Crate and I think it’s the perfect level for her. You can use the code EDR for 50% off your first month of any of the Kiwi Co lines.
  • SlippersTally spotted these glitter slippers at Target a few months ago when we were there together and couldn’t stop talking about them. Naturally, I immediately put them on my mental list of Christmas gifts for her.
  • Highlights MagazineThe other girls all get their own magazine subscription and every month when they come, Tally is a little bit devastated. Right now, it’s the lowest price of the year for Highlights Magazines, so I snagged her a subscription to High Five
  • Play kitchenYou already knew about the Play Kitchen because of Star. I’m probably more excited about this than they will be.
  • Hula HoopAnd one last hula hoop.

And of course, what’s Christmas without stocking stuffers? Here’s what we’re getting for them (and I talked more about how we do stockings in this post):


  • Hidden Picture books. My girls LOVE Hidden Pictures and they’re the perfect winter activity. This one comes in a set of four, so it’s easy to roll each one up individually, tie with a ribbon and tuck into their stocking!
  • Stick On Earrings. My girls all asked to get their ears pierced for Christmas this year (not happening) but I figured they’d all love some stick-on earrings. My friend Ashley recommended this set so I’m trusting her on it!
  • Stamp Markers. I remember these from my childhood (although not emojis, obviously) and I’m planning to order two packs and break them up into sets of 5 for each stocking.
  • Kitty SpoonsMy girls LOVE a spoon when they drink hot chocolate or smoothies or . . .basically any beverage. So these little kitty spoons that hook onto the side of your cup are going to be a huge hit. Bonus that they come in four different colors so each girl can have their own color. Also, they’re about 50% off right now!
  • Golden Coil Kid Planners. I love Golden Coil planners and I just about DIED over the cuteness of their kid version. They come in a four pack and are the perfect size for tucking into a stocking.
  • Candy. I mean, what’s a stocking without candy? I usually do special candies, including a Pez dispenser (weird family tradition), tic tacs, and Lindor balls.
  • Pringles. While Pez is a funny family tradition for my family in our stockings, Pringles is Bart’s family’s thing. I don’t think it would feel like Christmas to Bart without a can of Pringles in his stocking!

I’d love to hear what you’re getting your children this year – I love seeing people’s actual lists!

And if you’re interested, here’s what we got the girls last year, in 2018, in 2017, in 2016 and 2015!

If you liked this post about Christmas gifts for girls, you might like these posts too:

Photos by Heather Mildenstein

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  1. I love these posts every year (like everyone else)!! This year I’ve been shopping early so have most of my kiddos’ bigger gifts figured out, but your stocking stuffer ideas are genius for my 4yo girl–she will ADORE the stick-on earrings and I never would have thought of that. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for this! you gave me some great ideas. I can tell how hard you work on your blog posts and it doesn’t go unnoticed, so thank you!

    And I need to know where those bows are from! They are the cutest!

  3. My daughter will be 3 in December 26 so we have double the gift purchasing 🥴 her big Santa gift is a dollhouse (Hearth and Hand I got 90% off on post-Christmas clearance when she was one and have been saving ever since!) and a peg doll set that was made to look like our family. She’s also getting 2 MiniKane baby dolls and some outfits. Stocking stuffers include Disney matchbox cars, a wonder wow book, some stamps and an ink pad, and stickers. For her birthday she is getting a swing set in the backyard from us and all her grandparents. Of course then there are all the gifts from family and friends 😂 I’m pretty sure she’s getting some baby doll accessories, Magna Tiles, and a mini trampoline so far.

  4. Thanks so much! I’ve found something for my loves over the last few years thanks to you that have blessed them! Same this year and I’m excited you helped me get on the ball with Christmas gifting because I about croaked when my husband mentioned the other night how many weeks away it is and I had done nothing yet! Next up…Christmas cards! You always inspire me to get them done early! 😊

  5. I ordered the Kiwi Crate subscription for my 5 year old. How do you present subscriptions on Christmas morning and help the child realize they’ll get something every month?

  6. I love seeing this post every year! We have two girls (5 and 3). Our 5 year old is getting: Lego Friends Rescue Mission Boat, a board game (Outfoxed), and a book. Our 3 year old is getting a Calico Critters house and some furniture, a board game (Hoot Owl Hoot), and a book. In their stockings they’re each getting a scratch and sparkle activity book, a card game (Sleeping Queens for my 5 year old and Spot It Animals Jr for my 3 year old), a clementine (family tradition), toothbrush, fuzzy socks, some treats, and a small toy (not yet picked out). I love picking out their Christmas presents each year!

  7. We got our kids a tramp for Christmas last year but didn’t actually get it set up until a couple weeks ago (thanks, covid + RV life! 🤪). I basically haven’t seen them for two weeks. 😂🙌

    Also, our kids shall have all the matching shirts. 😉

  8. We are also getting a trampoline for Christmas! I am so excited. We have 4 kids and other gifts include a backpacking pack, a Lego set, laser tag, Duplos, and a handful of games. We are blessed enough to receive gifts from both sets of grandparents also.

  9. Due with a baby during the holiday season, so I have Christmas all done and purchased mid-November :). Here’s what our 2.5 year old daughter is getting.
    – Set of Animal Figurines
    – “Day the Crayons Quit” book – after LOVING it from a library checkout
    – Colorful kids hydroflask
    – Character Sweatshirt
    – Baby Yoda toy

    We wanted a balance of toys but also practical things. So she’s excited, but we’re also putting money towards things that she needs, just giving them a fun twist!

  10. I love your ideas! You consistently have the best gift guides ever (and so does Merrick, so it obviously runs in your family!) I love the Our Generation line at Target. Our daughter (8 years old) is getting the Kaylin girl plus a wheelchair set for the Our Generation dolls. My son is getting a bike. He is 12 and has outgrown his 20 inch bike. When we bought it, we realized this is likely the last bike we will buy him before he learns to drive….Yikes!

  11. Thanks for the great ideas! I’m curious what magazine subscriptions you have for your girls. If live some more ideas.

  12. We have that same play kitchen – Four years and still looks almost new! Fair warning – it takes a LONG time to put together. Like, a couple of hours (sidenote: we could be rookie parents with little assemoly experience. Ha!) Despite warnings from reviews, we were unprepared and stayed up real late the night before a birthday once 😅. Merry Christmas to your fam – thanks for sharing!

  13. I love your lists and stealing your ideas (lol). For my 8 year old son we are leaning hard into his love of reading… new books, an e-reader and an echo dot for audiobooks. My daughter is 4 and loves princesses so her gifts are all dress up and pretend play – 2 dresses, shoes and tiaras. I think they both will be so excited.

  14. Soooooooo like the fact there is a minimum of plastic involved in your gift list. So much Christmas tat ends up in landfills and oceans. We’ve all got to learn to be mindful shoppers if our planet and its people are to survive.
    Well done, Jannsen 😘Love your book recommendations! So helpful with my bookworm grandies.
    A very concerned Grandma who desperately wants to hand on the planet I love in an improving state, not galloping to oblivion as it is at present.
    Wishing all a kind, loving and thoughtful Christmas.

  15. My daughter is almost 3 and getting an easel, magnatiles, an astronaut costume, and the book I Am about the names of God. She’s getting a bubble machine “from” her baby brother.

    Son is 9 months. He’s getting a secondhand activity cube, a gathre bib, a sleep sack, and the Poke a Dot Ocean book. He’s getting a drum and music toys “from” big sister 🙂

    I’m really excited about this year!

    1. I loved seeing your lists and as I have three daughters (5, 3, and 1 yo) you gave me some great ideas for the future! For this year my girls are receiving three gifts each from Mom & Dad:

      Grace (5) gets a pink and white vanity table with stool from, a kit for writing her own fairy tale (hardcover book with castle in front and blank pages inside, stickers and colored pencils), and a Chatbooks if pictures highlighting her life/family events since birth.

      Leah (3) gets OG (different brand but same idea as American Girl doll) dessert truck with tons of tiny plastic ice cream cones and donuts etc, a lift-the-flap purse book she’s obsessed over the last few times she’s seen it, and a chatbooks if pictures from her life.

      Rosie (1) gets a barking, walking pug dog (we don’t have pets but she loves dogs) and everything else is from Santa or relatives because we have so many toys already!

      Curious to know which of your gifts are from Santa and which are from family/other. At our house Santa gives small gifts (Barbie, stuffy, toy food or kitchen dishes) and stocking stuffers (Treats, gloves, toothbrush) so the asks aren’t too big and the credit doesn’t all go to him haha.

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