What We’re Giving our Girls for Christmas
Every year, THE very most popular gift guide on my blog is what we’re actually giving our girls for Christmas.
It’s one thing to put together a list of ideas – it’s another to share what you’re really wrapping for under the tree.
We usually do five gifts for each of our girls and this year we decided we wanted one of those gifts to be quality time, so we’ll be doing a date with each of them over Christmas break.
Like most bloggers, I use affiliate links when possible which means that I earn a tiny percentage for purchases made through the links in my posts. This doesn’t change the price you pay for any items. I also have relationships (past or present) with some of the businesses included on this list, including Kindle, Tuesday Morning and Crate & Barrel. I personally choose all the products on all my gift guides and some products were provided at my request for original photos. Consider yourself disclaimed.
Gift Ideas for Girls
Family Gifts
- Splendor. We often like our games to belong to the family, rather than a certain child (who sometimes gets precious about who can play), so this will be the addition to our family game closet.
For Ella (who is nine and a half)
- Kids Kindle Reader. The Kids Kindle Reader just came out and I think Ella will LOVE it – our library has a really great e-book collection and it’ll be nice to have her able to read them.
- Mermaid Latch Kit. Ella lives for crafts and projects, and they’re especially fun over the holiday break after Christmas. I think she’ll LOVE this one.
- New Film. We gave Ella an Instax Mini camera several years ago and she’d been asking for new film for it. Easy peasy.
- Hand Held Yahtzee. We had one of these when I was growing up and we all LOVED it. You can play one or two players and it’s perfect for the car.
- Date to Little Women with Mom & Dad. With the new Little Women movie coming out at Christmas, I told Ella that if she read the book, we’d take her to see it. I can’t WAIT for this date.
For Ani (who just turned seven)
- Watercolor for Kids class. Ani LOVES art and I’ve heard rave reviews about this watercolor class (which also has a Christmas bonus lesson) and I think she’ll love taking it over the holidays. It’s only $30, which is a screaming deal for all of the lessons you get. We bought this watercolor/brush set and paper pad to go along with it.
- Spirograph. I absolutely loved my Spirograph when I was growing up and I think it’ll be a hit with Ani.
- Heelys. Ella asked for a pair last year and has really loved them, so Ani is hoping for a pair as well. This is the best price I’ve seen on them.
- Air Dry Clay. Ani has asked for clay continually over the past few months (can you tell she loves art) and when I found this deal for 24 colors for under $10 (use the code 5024CLAY to take $10 off), I was sold. I also got this book from the library to go along with it.
- Ice Skating Date. Ani has been begging to go ice skating, but it’s challenging with the littler girls, so this is the perfect winter date.
For Star (who is almost five)
- Llama Storage Bin. Star is a stuffed animal fiend (that’s what she spends all her own money on and always wants more of) and they are taking over her chair and bed, so when I spotted this cute, soft bin from Crate & Kids, I knew it’d be perfect for her to store all her little plush friends in. The exact one is no longer available, but here is a really cute alternate option!
- Bike. This is pretty much the only thing Star wants for Christmas – she took one for a test ride in the store last week and has talked about nothing else since.
- Janod Animatrix Scratch Art Kit. After how much she loved doing the Paint by Sticker books this year, I thought this would be an equally fun activity for her to do while she listens to her afternoon audiobooks.
- Colored Pencils & Coloring Books. Star blows through coloring pages at a crazy rate, plus she’s super envious of Ani’s nice set of colored pencils, so I bought her a big box of them and I’m buying her a stack of about 10 coloring books.
- Lunch Date. When we took Star to breakfast on her birthday date earlier this year, she was just in HEAVEN, so I can’t wait to take her out to lunch.
For Tally (who is almost three)
- Laptop Chalkboard. This is basically the cutest thing I’ve ever seen from Crate & Kids and it’s perfect for taking in the car or to church. Pretty sure all the other girls will want one too.
- Lacing Cards. I spotted these at Tuesday Morning when I was there a few weeks ago and knew that Tally would be ALL ABOUT them.
- Wooden Puzzles. We have done our set of wooden puzzles ad nauseum, so it’ll be nice to add four new ones to our rotation (I bought mine at Tuesday Morning for about half the price they are on Amazon).
- Play-Doh. Tally is super into play-doh and all of ours has dried out, so she’ll be thrilled to find this under the tree.
- Library Date. She loves going to the library and doing the puzzles, coloring, and reading books together, but it’s challenging when I’m also trying to help the bigger girls find audiobooks and novels, pick up my holds, and check things out. This will be a dream for her.
And of course, what’s Christmas without some stocking stuffers? Here’s what we’re getting for them (and I talked more about how we do stockings in this post):
- Mini Nail Polish. I bought a set of these and I’ll divide them up between the four girls’ stockings (packaging isn’t the boss of me!)
- Washi Tape. Washi tape (and heck, scotch tape) are wildly popular with my girls, so they’ll enjoy finding some new rolls in their stocking.
- Underwear. My girls all need new underwear and I think Carter’s undies are the BEST.
- Candy. I mean, what’s a stocking without candy? I usually do special candies, including a Pez dispenser (weird family tradition).
I’d love to hear what you’re getting your children this year – I love seeing people’s actual lists!
And if you’re interested, here’s what we got the girls last year, in 2017, in 2016 and 2015!
Photos by Heather Mildenstein
Our girls (6 and 8) are each getting a game, a warm robe, a set of books (Emily windsnap and rainbow magic), a craft, and then a toy they’ve requested (marble run and calico critters). Our 2 year old son is getting a matchbox car fire station, a matchbox car carrier, a play cleaning set for helping Mommy, and a magnetic dress up man. I can’t wait!!!
These are so fun!
I read ‘with the litter of girls’ under ice skating date! 😆 Thanks got sharing! I love your blog and your cute family.
You’re so nice – thank you!
I love reading others’ lists too. I for one have been gathering used Paw Patrol toys for my 4yo because…I am classy like that, and other simple things for my big girls. At art kit, a hand mixer, the usual 😉 Anyway, thanks so much for the watercolor class link. I’ve been looking for something like that. I think all of my girls will love it!
What fun lists! I’m sure your girls will be super happy on Christmas morning. Our six year old is getting a new bike as his big gift and our one and a half year old is getting an anywhere chair for his room. He drags big brothers around all the time so I think he is ready for his own!
I’ve never heard of an Anywhere Chair!
My son is 2.5 … we got him a hot wheels storage semi that comes with a little bit of track (Costco special!), Woody doll (grandma and grandpa got him Buzz), these dinosaurs that you put together with the little tools that come with it, 3 games, and some winter clothes. I’ll probably do candy, chips (he LOVES chips), and some bath crayons or something for his stocking.
I love chips too! I’d be delighted to get those in my stocking.
Have you played Splendor before? It looks like fun, but I don’t want to buy it without knowing how it is first.
Yes! And we LOVED it.
I totally bought my girls new underwear for their stockings after you posted about it somewhere, and I love your packaging isn’t the boss of me comment – I bought a package of chapsticks to divide up too.
Ha! That comment struck a lot of people’s funny bone (mine included ;)).
I LOVE the idea of a date with Mom & Dad being one of their gifts! We might have to adopt that with our older son (6). I think our baby (not yet 2) wouldn’t appreciate it yet! We do often do experiences with our godchildren which is always fun, don’t know why we never thought of doing them with our own kids!
Would you ever consider giving an almost 7 year old the insta mini camera? I know your older one has one, but we are considering it for our daughter, who had a toddler digital one before and isn’t asking for much this year except an LOL doll 🙂 ( which is who you likes to play with small things)
It depends on if she’s willing to not blow through all the film in a day or two! We gave one to my daughter when she turned 6 (I think) and she spent 18 months getting through 10 photos. Definitely a gift for a saver, not a spender.
Great list!! Can you tell me what book that is next to the chalkboard laptop, it has Little Bo Peep on it? It looks so adorable!😍
Yes! It’s Read to Your Baby Every Day Book: 30 Classic Nursery Rhymes to Read Aloud!
Would you recommend the insta mini camera for a 6 almost 7 girl? She isn’t asking for much but LOL dolls and subscription to prodigy( a math education game)
Our girls are 4 and 2. We are getting them each a few books (including some of the Ramona series for my 4 year old), a Skip Hop roller suitcase, a set of matching pjs, and some Playmobil (my husband is building them a wooden house for it). For stocking stuffers we got glitter glue, glitter tubes, crayons, small notebook, socks, a fun musical toothbrush, and some treats. We also always include a clementine as a family tradition to remind us what our grandparents and great-grandparents used to get as their sole Christmas presents!
Books, a clothing item, a lego set, dollar store puzzles(they love these), and a couple of small things from Santa. He isn’t huge in our house. Although he does like to bring my kids a box of cereal or a bag of goldfish. And they remember that out of all of it. I want to do a movie date, but we shall see.
Thanks for sharing some simple but totally kind approved ideas.
Looks like your link to last year’s list actually goes to 2017, FYI.
Fun ideas! We’re hoping for Splendor from our extended family gift exchange, which is game themed this year 🤞. Not sure if the brother that has us heard my loud hints to that effect on Thanksgiving…:)
We’re doing quality family time as our biggest gift too, we got ski passes and are so excited. We also got them each a few ski lessons to help with that.
Santa got them each a small toy- a train track piece and a spiderman nerf set. We also got them the game Mousetrap to play together and I took them to a local bookstore and let them pick out a book for each other,
Someone commented above they we’re getting rolling suitcases- my mom got my boys them for birthdays last year and they have been a HUGE hit! Your kids will love them!
Mainly doing candy and hot wheels in stockings but we have given them small flashlights in the past and they were also a huge hit.
Merry Christmas! Always love reading this post!