My Holiday Break Plans

Maybe 5 years ago, my sister Merrick (who is also a blogger), mentioned that she was planning to take two full weeks of during the Christmas holidays.

At the time, I was writing every post basically the night before it went up and and the idea of being ahead enough to take off two weeks pretty much blew my mind.

But the next year, I followed her lead and took off most of Christmas vacation and it was WONDERFUL.

Now, I work really hard to get everything for the rest of the year planned ahead of time so that when my girls get out of school for two weeks, I can also take two weeks off and soak up that time off with them.

It’s one of my very favorite times of year.

Here’s what’s on my list for the next almost two weeks!

My Holiday Break Plans

  1. Play endless board and card games. You know we love games in our house and with a few new additions to our collection thanks to Christmas, I’m excited to spend a lot of time playing together as a family. We’re also getting together with some of our favorite college friends for a game day.
  2. Catch up on This Is Us. I watch virtually no television on my own – Bart and I usually have a show we’re watching together – but This Is Us is an exception and I haven’t watched ANY of this current season. And nothing feels more luxurious and vacation-y to me than spending quiet time watching TV in bed instead of working.
  3. Go swimming. We’ve belonged to the local rec center for the last year and while Bart and I go almost daily, we rarely take the girls with us. But it has an incredible indoor pool, so I’m excited to take them while they’re out of school.
  4. Listen to Ralphie’s audio course. Bart and I went to her workshop this summer and it was SO SO good. I snapped up a copy of her new audio course and I can’t wait to listen to it during the holidays. (P.S. It’s on sale through the end of the year!)
  5. Going to a few movies. Bart in particular loves seeing movies in the theater, so we’re looking forward to going to Jumanji 2, the new Star Wars, and Little Women (with Ella for her Christmas date).
  6. Do a puzzle. I find puzzles so relaxing, but in our current house, we haven’t done any because we don’t have a great spot for them. But I’m going to borrow my in-laws card table and set up a station in my office to do some over the break.
  7. New Year’s Eve Fondue. We did this last year and I’d completely forgotten about it, but my girls started talking about it a few weeks ago as if it were a long family tradition, so I guess we’re doing it again! We invited some cousins over last year and it was a really fun way to finish off the year.
  8. Read! Of course this is on the list. A couple of the books I’m looking forward to diving into are The Giver of Stars (which I got last month in my Book of the Month box) and I Miss You When I Blink.

What’s on your list for the holidays? I’d love to hear how you’re spending the time off!

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  1. We have a few parties with Family to attend. My son got a circuit kit and it’s been a huge hit with all my kids! Hours of fun! We will also be doing Lego building and playing some new card games. I bought my 11 year old the kids watercolor class, she’s been at it for hours already!! Thanks for the suggestion!

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