How to Read More Books: 7 Easy Tricks

Want to read more books? It can be hard to fit reading into a busy schedule, but these seven tricks can help you squeeze a little more reading in if you’re wondering how to read more!


One of the questions I get asked most frequently is “how do I find time to read more books?”

Sadly, I have no magic wand to give you extra time, and I know EXACTLY what those questioners mean.

With four children, a home, this blog, plus London Littles, it’s definitely become increasingly challenging to fit in my own reading.

It’s easier for me to fit in reading with my children – we read picture books on a daily basis and my littler girls are board book obsessed.

We get through a bunch of audiobooks together in the car and I read aloud to them most nights before bed from our current chapter book.

But these seven tricks have really helped me fit in more reading than I might otherwise.

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How to Read More Books

 Some days, you want something light and fluffy, while some evenings you want to settle in with some non-fiction.

3. Read first thing.





6. Keep a book in your bag.

My daily backpack has a pocket that PERFECTLY fits my Kindle, so I always have something to read if I end up at school pick up a few minutes early or even a long line at the grocery store. I also have the Kindle app on my phone, and when I pick up my phone, I try to remind myself to read instead of open social media apps.

7. Get in bed ten minutes earlier.

I find it so hard to get myself to go to bed at a reasonable time because those evening hours with my children in bed and the house quiet are SO precious. But if I get to read in bed before I go to sleep, getting ready for bed feels more like a treat than a chore. Plus, with even ten minutes a day, you can get through a surprisingly large amount of reading.

If you have other tricks for how to read more books as a busy adult, I’d love to hear them!


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  1. Great tips! If I’m watching something on TV on the evening “live” (as opposed to recorded), I can get a lot of reading done in the commercials with the TV on mute. 🙂

  2. Great post and great topic! This has been a year of good reading for me, and I totally agree with the idea that if you have something good to read it’s easier to fine time. One little (totally silly) hack that helped me a ton was changing my library username/login to my name inste of library card number. So silly! But it made it sooo much easier (mentally and literally) to quickly request a book on my phone whenever I heard a good recommendation or came across something interesting (or was reading your blog! 😉 Now I breeze into the library all the time to pick up a whole stack of books I’ve requested, without overthinking whether I’ll like them or not. Having a steady stream of things available makes a big difference, and if I don’t like em or haven’t read them yet, I let myself just drop them off and request again later! I notice when my stacks runs out I make time for reading way less. I’m much happier as my childhood nose-always-in-a-book self, but these days it takes some little hacks and inspiration. Thanks for helping with that!!

  3. YES! To all of this! I just started reading e-books on my phone again because it’s so much easier than a paper book when feeding a baby. I still read paper books but I like having one-handed options besides scrolling and aimlessly wasting time on my phone!

  4. I get up 15-20 minutes earlier than I have to and read first thing. You have to be disciplined to stop but it fits into my life/schedule that way better than most other times. Like you mentioned I also use audiobooks and I read 2-3 different books at a time.

  5. Thanks for the tips. I don’t have kids but running a school is exhausting and I always bring work home. I am going to try reading before I do any work for the school to take time for myself. When I have a break from work then I read a ton.

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