House Tour: Master Bedroom

navy master bedroom

In eleven years of marriage, we’ve never had a master bedroom I really loved.

But this one, when we moved in, was HANDS DOWN the worst we’ve ever had.

The walls were painted orange and the carpet was green. My friend Jen came over the week we moved in, took one look and said, “This room looks like a cantaloupe.” That might have been offensive if it wasn’t so true and hilarious that I repeated it to every person who saw our room for the next year.

To add to the badness of the room (which you might think was hard to do), we had no bed frame, which I think is a terrible look. We actually owned two queen bed frames, but since we knew we were going to upgrade to a king, we went ahead and put them in the two bedrooms downstairs so we wouldn’t have to move them later.

And our bedding, which was a bright green and cream (purchased many years ago, for a different room, on clearance) looked absolutely awful. There was nothing on the walls, and we had a non-matching dresser in the corner. I frequently joked to Bart that the only decorations we were missing to complete the frat house look were a few old pizza boxes and empty beer cans in the corner.

So, to be fair, we could have done almost anything in this room and it would have been a major improvement.

But I’m so happy with how this room turned out, even without any comparison to the terrible before. Now, instead of feeling vaguely furious every time I walk into our room, I LOVE being in there. Even when there is laundry waiting to be folded on the bed or a big stack of picture books, I think this room is gorgeous.

Upgrading to a king was a huge improvement because the bed actually fits the room now, and I love this Joss & Main bed frame so so much. We’d picked two different ones and both went out of stock just before we ordered them, and then I fell in love with this West Elm one, so I was delighted to find it for less than half the price at Joss & Main. I swear, they are identical.

And we’ve wanted a bench at the bottom of our bed forEVER, but never really had room for one. Someone suggested a leather director-type bench, and I didn’t love that idea, but it did make me start looking for something in a natural material that would give the room some warmth (which I thought it needed with the gray and navy). I love how this one looks, plus it’s so nice to have somewhere to stack the picture books the girls are always dragging in to read in the mornings or put laundry baskets in.

I couldn’t be happier with the dark blue wall (Sherwin-Williams donated the gallon of paint for that wall and I loved it so much and it went so far that we ended up using the rest of the gallon to paint Ani’s room in the same color). For reference, in case you care about paint, we’ve used Sherwin-Williams Emerald paint in almost every room we’ve repainted so far in the satin finish (various colors, but mostly Alabaster).

Now if only the rest of the house could look this good.

navy master bedroom

navy master bedroom


navy master bedroom


navy master bedroom


navy master bedroom


navy master bedroom


navy master bedroom


navy master bedroom


navy master bedroom

Bed frame: Joss & Main (c/o)
Bedding: Kohl’s
Throw Pillows: Walmart (Navy, Gold, and Gray-Blue)
Bench: Joss & Main (c/o)
Side Tables: Target
Bedside Lamps: Target
White Clock: At Home
Artificial Plant: IKEA
Gold planter: Schoolhouse Electric
White Frames: Target
Photos: Two on the left taken by me, Cactus photo taken by Brooke Emery
Blanket: World Market
Curtains: IKEA
Curtain Rods: Lowe’s
Bird of Paradise Plant: Home Depot
Plant Basket: World Market
Blue Paint: Naval by Sherwin-Williams (c/o)
White Paint: Alabaster by Sherwin-Williams

navy master bedroom

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  1. What a dreamy space, truly beautiful! But c'mon, after all that build up, I was really hoping for a before shot of the cantaloupe room ; )

    1. I actually did take some pictures before we painted back in February, but now I can't find them! I'll add them if I can locate them.

  2. That wall colour is divine! And the whole room is so pretty! You're inspiring me to get my butt in gear and re-do mine! Looks awesome!

  3. This is great!! I'm glad to hear you like the dark wall…I can't decide between dark or light for our master bedroom update!

  4. I'm pretty obsessed with how your entire room turned out. Who knew navy walls would look so amazing?! I'm thinking this might have to happen in our playroom when we tackle the green walls in there!

  5. LOVE!!! I'm crazy about the nightstands. I tried to find them on the J&M website but after scrolling through many many pages I still can't locate them. I noticed that the bed frame link takes me right to that item. Do you by chance remember the name of the nightstands? Thanks!

      1. We’re in the market for nightstands and I love these but I think that direct link is no longer correct since it has been a few months since this was posted. Do you have the name of the nightstands from J&M? Thanks!

        1. Sadly, I can’t find them anywhere either now! They’re called the Collingward End Table, but Google wasn’t helping me out either. Hopefully they’ll come back in stock at some point!

      2. Your room looks so cozy and peaceful. I’m in the market for some nightstands and saw that you recently mentioned that Target now carries yours, which are beautiful. Do they have a smooth finish or are they rougher/more rustic to the touch? Thanks!

  6. I'm going to hunt your blog for some before pictures! We've talked about how we get all the money when you are newly married but spend it on things that you don't really know if you like….. but i guess by seeing lots of stuff you don't like it better forms what you like. You did an amazing job on this bedroom!

  7. It looks so nice, Janssen! I really love it. I can't believe those throw pillows are from Wal-mart! Especially the denim fringe one…might need to buy that. 🙂 Oh, and happiest of congratulations on your new baby. Such wonderful news!

  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I've been thinking about a dark blue paint for our bathroom remodel and this helped me go forward with that plan!

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