
Full term

Jeans + ballet flats + bright sweater Jeans + ballet flats + bright sweater Jeans + ballet flats + bright sweater

Jeans + ballet flats + bright sweater

full term

Jeans + ballet flats + bright sweater

Tomorrow is my due date.

It’s completely wild that this pregnancy is coming to an end.

Overall, I’d say this has been my easiest pregnancy – I’ve been the least tired and had the least morning sickness.

But it’s also felt the longest, because it’s been the most stressful with the weeks and weeks of monitoring my subchorionic hemorrhage hemorrhage. Plus, with all the warnings about pre-term labor early on and worries that she’d be born before she was viable, I felt like every week ticked by at the pace of molasses.

With Ella, I felt like the last weeks took forever, because I didn’t expect to go a week (plus one day) over, but Ani I was a little more prepared for a late baby.

By Star, I was certain she’d be late and so I wasn’t really at all bothered or anxious as my due date approached and then passed.

But I’ll admit that this time around, I’ve been feeling super antsy, with these last two weeks going by SO slowly and every night wondering if I’ll go into labor (spoiler: I haven’t).

Basically, I’m just excited to trade in this giant belly for a baby instead.

Hopefully a baby that comes with a side of epidural.



Jeans + ballet flats + bright sweater

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  1. You look so great, though!

    I’m hitting 41 weeks pregnant now (induction on Friday unless he decides to come out before) and oh man, I feel you. I am also VERY ready to be not pregnant again.

  2. I’m due in 5 days with our fourth and I can’t believe how ready I am to have a baby in the world and not the womb! But this has definitely been my most uncomfortable pregnancy. Still, I’m trying to prepare myself to go late, as I usually do. Your blog chronicling the things you’re doing, making, and reading as you wait for your baby is very encouraging!

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