
What I’ll Remember about Summer 2019

My girls go back to school later this week and I can hardly believe this summer is over.

It’s been a super low-key summer with zero trips and lots of time at home.

We’ve spent mornings playing endless card games, listened to a million audiobooks, and I’ve loved just about every second about it.

Last year, I wrote a post about what I’d remember about the summer and I loved it so much, I figured I’d do it again.

summer 2019

Listening: to the Newsies and You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown soundtracks on repeat. And audiobook versions of The Boxcar Children and Wayside School non-stop.

Playing: Cover Your Assets. 2017 was the year of Yahtzee and 2018 was all Dutch Blitz all the time. 2019 has been the year of Cover Your Assets which we have played hundreds of games of this year. It’s easy to learn, only takes about 10-15 minutes, and even Star (who is 4.5) can play with us. And playing croquet in the backyard after we borrowed Bart’s parents set – when they come back home, we’ll have to buy own set.

Wearing: exercise clothing more than I ever have in my life since I’ve been running a few days a week on top of going to a circuit training class at the gym. I also finally bought myself a new pair of running shoes after five years of wearing the same ones.

Disregarding: bedtime. With this beautiful summer weather and a big backyard that’s perfect in the evenings, we’ve let the girls stay up late many many nights, playing make-believe games in the backyard or spraying the plants with spray bottles (Tally’s activity of choice).

Eating: Sunday dinners with my brother who lived a few blocks away from us all summer long. Because we’re ten years apart, we haven’t lived near each other for most of our lives (I went away to college when he was 7) and it’s been the #1 highlight of my summer to have him over every week. We eat dinner, play croquet in the backyard and he taught my girls how to longboard. After they are in bed, he’ll stay for another hour or two and we’ll chat. I’m basically so sad he now lives on the other side of the country.

Watching: Covert Affairs. We spent all winter watching Blacklist, but now that it’s done until fall, we’ve been watching Covert Affairs on Amazon Prime. We usually watch 3-4 episodes a week and although the first season was a little weak, by the third season, it really picks up, and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

Reading: Peter and the Starcatchers with the girls, so much Mercy Watson and the Pigeon books with Tally, and three of the books on my personal summer reading list – currently working on #4, Match Me If You Can.

Selling: cookies on the street corner. My girls discovered the joys of entrepreneurship this summer and have loved trying out different cookies and have made a ridiculous amount of money. I pretty much die from the cuteness every time.

Regretting: That we didn’t swim more this summer (this was my same regret last year. . . .).


What will you remember from Summer 2019? I’d love to hear!

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