Our 2023 Daily Summer Schedule
School has been out for two weeks and we’re in full-blown summer mode over here. I like a general schedule so that my kids know what to expect AND I have time to work, exercise, and get enough sleep.
Here’s what our general daily summer schedule looks like, although I’m sure it’ll adjust as the summer wears on!
(Also, my goal with a summer schedule is to make sure we have plans when there is nothing else going on. If the girls are playing with friends or riding bikes in the neighborhood or Bart’s mom invites us over to make strawberry jam, I prioritize all of those above sticking to a strict schedule. The schedule is to serve me, not the other way around! And, of course, as the summer wears on, bedtime gets later and later. And I kind of love that. . . what’s summer for if not lazy summer evenings?!).
Our 2023 Daily Summer Schedule
6:00/6:30 a.m. The girls have early swim team and usually Bart and I both take them and then work out while they practice or on the days when only Ani has swim team, I go to the gym for an early workout class and then Bart brings Ani later and works out while she practices.
8:30 a.m. Once we get home, the girls get dressed, make their beds and straighten up their rooms, then eat breakfast, while Bart and I shower and get fully ready for the day and I make my breakfast.
9:00 a.m. The two little girls do their Savvy Reading and Math classes and if it’s a day where they all had swim team, I finish getting ready and try to start work around the time they wrap up Savvy (9:30ish) and if it’s a day where I went to an early gym class, I start working as soon as they’re logged in at 9:00 a.m.
We opted not to get a nanny this summer because I felt like having a nanny makes the girls play LESS well together since they’re all vying for her attention and arguing over what to play. Plus it makes me feel locked in to certain work times instead of having the flexibility to move around my work time as needed.
The girls play during this time, read, work on their own projects, have friends over, or pretty much do whatever they want.
12:00 p.m. At noon, we all gather in the kitchen and prep our lunches – what we all have varies from day to day, depending on leftovers and what’s available. Once everyone has their lunch together, we all go eat together around the table on the back patio. I love this because it gives us all some fresh air, a little time together and it means everyone eats at the same time and we can clean up the dishes once and be done (no lunch time lasting from 11-3).
1:00 p.m. Ella has art or pickleball camp many afternoons, so Bart takes her after lunch while I either work for another hour or two or if I’m (mostly) caught up, I call it a day and it’s time for fun. We might stay at home and play games or they might have friends over. Or we might head out to try use our Get Out Passes or go to the water park.
We also have a (very!) loose schedule of activities for each weekday afternoon if we need a little inspiration:
- Monday: Go on a walk or bike ride or to the park
- Tuesday: Go to the library to pick up new books and pick up the week’s library craft
- Wednesday: Family outing (more details about that here)
- Thursday: Reading Time (more details about this here)
- Friday: Friday Adventure (more details about that here)
5:00 p.m. I start working on dinner, usually listening to my audiobook while I cook, and then I call the girls in near the end and have them set the table.
6:00 p.m. Family dinner and scripture reading. Everyone helps clear the table and Bart does the dishes. The girls will go outside to play or we might go on a bike ride or family walk after dinner. Sometimes we play a game together (Camel Up has been a recent fave this summer so far!).
8:30 p.m (ish). I read aloud for 20-30 minutes.
9:00 p.m. The girls can listen to audiobooks, read, or color until they’re ready to fall asleep. I’ll read or watch a show with Bart or work on a puzzle.
10:30 p.m. Lights out! Time for bed.
What about your summer? I’d love to hear what your schedule looks like!
Thank you for sharing! I am working on creating a schedule too. Just wondering if you write this schedule out for yourself somewhere, what do you use? Notepad, paper calendar or your phone/computer calendar? or did you just write this out for the blog?
Just wrote it out for the blog – I don’t have a paper or digital copy for my own use.