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6 Books I’m Currently Reading

Nothing makes me want to read more than rainy, foggy weather.

Our living room in our new house has enormous front windows and I love sitting down on the couch and watching the rain come down (of course, I love watching the sun come in to).

Here are six books I’m currently reading right now, either on audio, on my own or with the girls.

6 Books I’m Currently Reading

100 things weve lost to the internet100 Things We’ve Lost to the Internet by Pamela Paul
I got an advance copy of this delightful little book from the publisher (it comes out next week!) – it’s written by the editor for the New York Times Book Review and it’s perfect for reading a short chapter or two before bed (each one is only 1-3 pages). This would make a perfect holiday gift for someone in your life who loves to talk about the old days when they walked uphill to school both ways.



the marvelous magic of miss mabelThe Marvelous Magic of Miss Mabel by Natasha Lowe
This is our current read-aloud at night and it’s a perfect non-scary but festive Halloween pick! Mabel is left on a doorstep as a baby and the widow who finds her takes her and raises her as her own child. When Mabel is quite young, they discover that she has magical abilities and she wins a place at a prestigious witch school. But it’s not all that Mabel hopes – way too much tradition and far too little experimenting with interesting magic. We’re all loving it!



from scratch bookFrom Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home by Tembi Locke
This is the November book for the Everyday Reading Book Club and I’m diving in early so I’m ready for our discussion next month – I love reading food memoirs and I ESPECIALLY love a food memoir in the winter!




finlay donovan is killing it bookFinlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosimano
I’ve seen this book everywhere and multiple people have recommended it to me but when someone sent me a message saying it reminded them of Sophie Kinsella, I picked it up at the library THAT DAY.




truly devious bookTruly Devious by Maureen Johnson
I’ve heard raves about this book for years and I’ve had it earmarked to listen to in October. Well, October is finally here, so I’m enjoying listening to it while I make dinner or work on a puzzle or walk on the treadmill. It’s perfect for this season! All four of the audiobooks in the series are included on Scribd!




kitty and the tiger treasureKitty and the Tiger Treasure by Paula Harrison
Tally loves reading short chapter book with me while the other girls are gone at school and she picked this – we’d read the first book in the series together last year, so it’s fun to revisit the series. This is a short chapter book – you could read it aloud in a couple of days no problem!



What are you reading right now? I’d love to hear!



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  1. I picked up Truly Devious on Scribd at your recommendation and HAD to keep going in the series since both books so far end on cliffhangers! But I’m new to Scribd and it wouldn’t let me listen to the third one yet – says “available soon.” I know people have mentioned limits on newer books, but is there a way to see how close you are to that limit, so you can choose differently? Luckily my library had the third one on Libby for immediate checkout! Ha #bookwormproblems

  2. I loved Finlay Donovan! The good thing about reading it now (instead of months ago like I did) is that there are only a few more months until the sequel comes out! I cannot wait 🙂

  3. Finlay Donovan is Killing It was a really fun read – I was both cringing and laughing as the story progessed.
    I just finished A Walk in My Shoes by Ben Schilaty, it’s his memoir of life as a gay member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So, so good.
    Now I’m reading The Guest List by Lisa Foley. I grabbed a copy because it’s supposed to be a modern Agatha Christie mystery and it immediately sucked me in. Hoping it doesn’t get too creepy…

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