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My 2021 Summer Reading List

Once the Summer Reading Guide and the Summer Reading Chart and the 100 Picture Books list are all launched (and this year, move out of our house completed), my favorite summer tradition is making a list of the books that I’m planning to read over the summer (2020 list here, 2019 list here2018 list here,  2017 list here, and 2016 list here).

Never once have I actually gotten through them all – usually it’s more like 50%, but I love at least MAKING a list so I have somewhere to start.

And then I let the summer reading winds take me where they will.

Here are ten books on my summer reading list this year:

Do you want more wonderful summer reading suggestions? Pop in your email address and I’ll send you my entire Summer Reading Guide!

My 2021 Summer Reading List

while justice sleeps

While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams
A political thriller on the bestseller list with lots of comparisons to Dan Brown and John Grisham? Of COURSE I want to read it.

sisters in arms

Sisters in Arms by Kaia Alderson
This debut historical fiction title is about two women serving in the only all-Black battalion of the Women’s Army Corps during WWII – their job is to deliver mail to American servicemen in Europe from their families back home in the US. I cannot WAIT for this one.

el deafo book

El Deafo by Cece Bell
I got hooked on graphic novels this year, so naturally at least one graphic novel had to be on this list! This Newbery Honor title is based on the author’s experience moving to a new school. And it’s an extra tricky transition for Cece who is deaf. But when she realizes that her super-powerful hearing aid lets her hear everything her teacher says – not just in the classroom – Cece starts to feel like a superhero!

everyone is beautiful

Everyone Is Beautiful by Katherine Center
I’ve read several of Katherine Center’s books and really enjoyed them (this one is my favorite), so this summer feels like the perfect time to visit a few of her older ones (this one is from 2009!).

the midnight library book

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
The hold lines for this one are FOREVER long, so it might be a bit until I get to this one, but nearly 75,000 reviews on Amazon AND the promise of time travel? How could I not read this one?

luck of the titanic

Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee
I was struggling SO MUCH to pick a novel for the book club I’m hosting at Grown-Up Summer Camp in July and then I saw that Stacey Lee (author of The Downstairs Girl) had a new title out. Done and done!

Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I have read every book she’s written (this one is my favorite) so I’m not about to skip her newest title that came out today! Four famous siblings throw a huge party every summer in Malibu. But this year? The mansion burns to the ground during the party.

The Kitchen Front by Jennifer Ryan
I’d never heard of this book and then multiple people in one week suggested it to me. A historical fiction title about a BBC cooking contest during WWII? Yes, please.

impostor syndrome

Impostor Syndrome by Kathy Wang
This was one of my May picks from Book of the Month Club and I’ve been anxiously waiting for our move to settle down so that I could dive into my copy of this story about espionage and women in Big Tech. This one looks SO FUN.


Sunkissed by Kasie West
I love Kasie West’s fun, sweet YA romances and when I found out a new one came out this spring? Sign me right on up.

And if you’d like a printable copy of this list that you can take to your library or screenshot on your phone for easy access, just pop in your email address below and it’ll come right to your inbox!

What’s on your summer reading list? I’d love to hear!

2021 Summer reading list


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  1. I won a Goodreads hhiveaway for Sisters in Arms and am reading it now. It may very well be my favorite of all the books I’ve read so far this year. A fantastic read!!

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