Three Things I Wore Recently Part 1

I am so much happier with the way I’m dressing this year. My goal to spend less time getting dressed and just be done with it for the day has really helped me out. But I do know that it’s WAY easier to get dressed in the winter when it’s not 105 degrees outside. Get back to me in July and see what I think then.


Left to Right:
1) Dress: Target, Leggings, Walmart, Shoes: Borrowed from Landen, Necklace: Gift from parents
2) Shirt: altered, Sweater: Old Navy, Jeans: Target, Flats: Kohls, Necklace: Paris from Landen
3) Top: Borrowed from Landen, Sweater: Borrowed from Landen, Dress: LOFT, Tights: Target, Boots: Ross

Also, this whole exercise has taught me that I am a boring hair person. Every single picture of me has my hair looking almost exactly the same. If I’m feeling very vibrant, I pull my bangs back with a bobby pin (I’m shocked that no one has asked me  all about my hair care routine).

And I just can’t make myself care. Pinterest is full of great idea of how to do your hair and my Google Reader is constantly abuzz with things like the sock bun. But I keep brushing my hair, curling it in about two minutes, and then I’m done.

I use no hair products, I wash my hair every three days with inexpensive shampoo and conditioner, and I get it cut about every four months. I am boring.

BlogHer is doing this “How To Find That Perfect Hairstyle” thing as part of the Life Well Lived Project and I think I am probably the target audience. Except I can’t be bothered to try anything new. I am boring and lazy.

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  1. I love these outfits, especially that second one. So cute.

    And I am totally boring with my hair, too. Except mine is super thick and wavy, so when it's crazy, it usually just goes up in a pony. But I just can't be bothered to spend 10 whole minutes each day actually doing something to it.

  2. I always think to myself how much I love your hair, and I wish I could wear it long that well! It looks good, so it doesn't need to be more of a bother. Mine is short, so it's the same everyday too.

  3. I've heard that when you have long hair it's best to wash it every 3 days because it helps keep your hair looking healthier. Mine is pretty short at the moment, so I wash it about every other day.

  4. I think you are light years away from boring and lazy! Please! 🙂 You are classy, lovely, smart, and always doing fantastic things. I love the outfits that you've put together and I love, love your hair. It looks so healthy and wonderful.

  5. You know what's funny… the way you feel about hair is pretty much how I feel about clothes. I just can't get myself to really care. I wear whatever top is on top of the stack. Occasionally feel like I've gone all out if I iron a blouse (I'm one of those people who can't wear un-ironed clothes) or dig a little deeper in the closet for something I didn't wear last week.

    Of course maybe I'll care more when I can afford to buy clothes more than once or twice in four years. All your posts about clothes got me thinking about how many now articles of clothing I've bought (or been given) since I got married… and it's sad. Um, and mostly ALL maternity. I look forward to having "clothes" be a category in my budget someday. But I still wonder if I'll care all THAT much more than I do now.

  6. Yay for easy hair and for washing it not that often. Other than down or in a bun, I don't do much variety with my hair either. I can't be bothered to spend that much time figuring out hairstyles.

  7. You always look darling. I completely agree that getting dressed in the summer is so much more difficult. If you don't wear sleeveless tops or short shorts/skirts your options are so limited. I also have bad feet which only allows me to wear a very limited number of shoes. The foot/shoe issue is more of a problem in the summer. Ah well. I will just be not so stylish in the summer. I'm all for low maintenance hair. Yours definitely does not look like it only takes a few minutes.

  8. YOu should really try the sock bun. I tried it for curls before I cut my hair and was pretty impressed. Now my hair's too short.

  9. Totally related to your hair issues. Except I get mine cut about once a year (if that), and wear it in a messy bun every day (and not one of those cute messy buns, but the lazy, just-throw-it-back-in-a-knot kind). At least you brush and curl your hair, that's more effort than I'm willing to put in.

  10. I too am pretty boring/lazy when it comes to my hair, but I love yours! It always looks so cute. Can I ask what brand and size curling iron you prefer? I'm thinking of trying one out myself to shake things up a bit.

    Love the outfits, but especially the first one – the dress + leggings combo is awesome! Do you shop in the juniors department at Target? I am petite as well and usually beeline there, but have been on a hunt for some cute and simple dresses lately and haven't had the best luck.

  11. You look so cute, I love the outfit on the right. I totally agree- getting dressed in the winter is much easier and more fun since in the summer I frankly would prefer to just go naked every day.

  12. Your comments about your hair describe me perfectly…except I don't even straighten or curl! What do you do to your hair each day and approximately how long does it take? More days than not, I end up with my bangs pulled back and my hair in a pony tail because I simply don't know what to do with it that won't take forever!!! I would love to hear what you do that is quick and easy. Your hair at least looks nice and like you took time to do it. LOL! Thanks.

  13. So leggings are those things I swore I'd never wear because I thought they were hideous, but here I am thinking your leggings are really cute, and –whaddya know– wearing leggings myself today. Hmm.

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