A Love Letter to My PhoneSoap
Back in September, my friend and blog photographer, Heather Mildenstein, gave me a PhoneSoap.
And I was instantly in love.
I’m not by nature a germaphobe (at all) but at some point you can only read so many articles about how your phone is dirtier than a toilet seat – and live through a global pandemic – before you think “maybe I should clean my phone occasionally.”
Enter PhoneSoap.
A Love Letter to My PhoneSoap
It’s a UV box that sanitizes whatever you put inside it.
It’s primarily intended for phones, but you can also sanitize your wallet or keys or jewelry or anything else that fits inside.
It takes 10 minutes (the light on top will come on when it’s in action) and then you can remove your device or other item and 99.9% of the germs on your item are killed.
I LOVE it.
I have the PhoneSoap 3 and it lives on my desk. At night, when I’m ready to unplug for the evening, I pop my phone inside, plug it into the charging cable and let it charge all night while it also sanitizes (my phone with my Loopy Case, doesn’t fit inside easily, so I just snap my case off each night – if you put something heavy on top to keep it closed you could absolutely sanitize your phone with the Loopy Case on).
It’s been such a nice change to my routine to not have my phone in my room – I’ve done so much more reading now that I’m not tempted to pick up my phone in the 45 minutes before bed. And it’s not the first thing I touch when I wake up in the morning.
And, of course, it means that my phone is SO MUCH more sanitary than it was before.
This fall, we went to pick up dinner on the weekend and while we’d intended to just grab and go, Tally desperately needed to go to the bathroom and with a three-year-old, you don’t mess around. I took her to the bathroom and then when I went too, my phone fell out of my back pocket, into the toilet (I’ve had a phone for nearly 20 years and this has never once happened to me).
My first thought?
“I’m SO GLAD I have a PhoneSoap.”
I’ve had people ask if you need one for every member of your family and I personally don’t think so.
Since it only takes ten minutes, it’s no big deal for Bart to pop his phone or wallet or keys in at some point during the day.
By the way, I got a note from a reader who bought one earlier this year and asked, “How do you know if it’s working?! My phone still has fingerprints all over it!”
The important thing to remember is that a PhoneSoap SANITIZES by killing germs. It’s not actually wiping down or removing fingerprints.
We gave my dad one for Father’s Day a year or two ago and he mentioned to me this summer how much he loves it! We also gave one to my sister-in-law for Christmas – it’s such a fun, unique and hugely practical gift!
Any other questions about PhoneSoap? I’m happy to answer!
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Photos by Heather Mildenstein
Does any UV light escape when closed or is it completely sealed off?
It’s closed off all the way around!