Everything I Read in April, May, and June

I read 20 more books this quarter than I did last quarter. And all those extra books were the Alice books by Phyllis Reynold Naylor. I blame Jessica.

2012 second quarter reading

And if you’d like a printable copy of this list that you can take to your library or screenshot on your phone for easy access, just pop in your email address below and it’ll come right to your inbox!

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  1. I'm not defending the Anne Lamott book, because I felt much the same way about it, but I will say that if you feel like giving her another try, Operating Instructions was much better, and I also love Bird by Bird (which is about writing, but can apply to more than that, really). I don't like her fiction, but I usually enjoy her non-fiction more than this one.

    And thanks for the reviews, you often send me off to the library!

  2. Phyllis Reynolds Naylor was one of my very favorite authors growing up–I LOVED Maudie in the Middle, and I probably The Boys Start The War and its sequels thirty or forty times. For some reason, I don't think I ever checked out the Alice books. Maybe I will one of these days.

    Also, I made a variation of those calzones last night–they were fantastic! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  3. Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott is good, but other than that, yes, her tone is very whiny and unlikeable. Most of her fictional characters are the same.

    It's funny: I know you and I don't have very similar book tastes — e.g. I loved The Book of Jonas and have no interest in reading most YA books — and yet I love your book posts.

  4. I LOVE your reading wrap up posts. Call me lazy but I appreciate quick reviews all in one post. It makes my life easier when I'm looking for a new book!

  5. Oh thank God there is someone else who doesn't like Anne Lamott. I feel like everyone else in the world LOVES her and I find her whiny and annoying!

  6. I love it when you do these posts. Between this list and your tell me what to read post just a few days ago, my library list is much, much improved!

  7. Thanks for great recommends. I finished Because of Mr. Terupt last night…based on your recommend!! It was awesome. I'm spreading the word.

    Thank you!

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