
DIY Valentine’s Flower Pots

A fun candy-free Valentine that's fun for months as it grows! #DIY #ValentinesDay #Gardening

I think part of the reason I like candy-free Valentines is that it is so painful for me to buy Valentines candy when, if you wait four days, you can buy it for 75% off at Target.

Just me?

Also, I like to do some fun Valentine’s treats with my girls at home, so if they’re inundated with candy from every side, it’s just overload.

Not that they would complain a bit.

Anyway, I love these little Valentine flower pots because they are so cute and they’re not just fun for five seconds while you’re scarfing them down. My girls think it’s really fun to water the plants and watch them grow, and something green brightens up long winter days for me.

A fun candy-free Valentine that's fun for months as it grows! #DIY #ValentinesDay #Gardening

what you’ll need for a valentine flower pot:

  • Peat Pots
  • Flower or Herb Seeds
  • Potting Soil
  • Ribbon
  • Straws or toothpicks
  • Card stock hearts
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pen
A fun candy-free Valentine that's fun for months as it grows! #DIY #ValentinesDay #Gardening
Fill the peat pots with soil. Plant the seeds at the recommended depth.
A fun candy-free Valentine that's fun for months as it grows! #DIY #ValentinesDay #Gardening
Cut your straws in half (or use toothpicks or small stakes) and glue your hearts to the top of them.
A fun candy-free Valentine that's fun for months as it grows! #DIY #ValentinesDay #Gardening
On the back of one of the hearts, write the name of the flower or herb, what kind of light it needs, and how often to water it.
Plant as many hearts as you’d like in it, and then wrap the ribbon around the outside of the Valentine flower pot (I hot-glued my ribbon in place).
Happy Valentine’s Day!(P.S. If you want another super-easy and cheap non-candy Valentine, check these ones out that I made last year).

A fun candy-free Valentine that's fun for months as it grows! #DIY #ValentinesDay #Gardening

if you need another idea like the valentine flower pot, check out these posts:

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  1. This is SO cute! My boys would love this. And yes…I get the waiting to buy Valentine's Day candy, but I just can't help it. The Dove hearts are way better than the regular ones (they are, right?!) 🙂

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