Mid December Book Deals

Happy Saturday!

We put up our Christmas decorations this week and have Christmas music playing non-stop and I’m basically feeling the holiday spirit big time.

I’m planning to spend some of quiet time wrapping gifts today (because I like to spread it out – wrapping allllll the gifts on Christmas Eve is not how I like to spend the night before Christmas) and listening to some audiobooks.

No matter how you’re spending your weekend, I hope you’ll enjoy some of these book deals – there are some GREAT ones!


4 Great Weekend Book Deals

The Night Before Christmas Look and Find
Surprisingly, there isn’t a Christmas version of Where’s Waldo, but this fun Christmas search and find book is a very similar style with all the Christmas symbols you could ask for hidden in these super detailed images. This is the perfect kind of book to give your kids on Christmas Eve when they’re jumping out of their skin with excitement and need something to keep them occupied.



Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan
I’d never heard of Pam Muñoz Ryan until I went to grad school and we read this book for one of my children’s literature classes. She is simply a MASTER (my favorite of her books is Echo – the audio version will BLOW YOU AWAY) and this one is on my list to read to my girls this coming year.  




The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
When I was growing up, my mom rotated through who got to choose the next read-aloud. I’m pretty sure my sister picked this one three turns in a row. I bet my mom would have been THRILLED for an audio version so we could keep listening on our own.  This deal is a Chirp audiobook deal – if you’ve never used Chirp before, here’s a whole post about how it works. Plus if it’s your first Chirp purchase, you can use this link for an additional 20% off their already rock bottom prices.


Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
This book is definitely on the woo-woo side, but I LOVED it and found it so inspiring. Definitely a great choice as we prepare for a new year. (You can see my full review of it here).







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