Libby 101: Everything you need to know about the Libby library app
As a life-long library user, Libby is one of my most used apps!
If you’re new to Libby, it’s the app many libraries use to provide their patrons with ebooks and audiobooks that you can check out right from your phone or computer or tablet. (Many libraries also provide magazines!).
I started using Libby years ago when Overdrive rolled out the dedicated Libby app and by the time they retired the Overdrive app (RIP!), I hadn’t opened the Overdrive app in literally years.
Not every library uses Libby, but it is definitely worth checking if your library does – it is definitely my library platform of choice!
Here is the first thing you should know about Libby: Overdrive (which is the main platform) and Libby (which is the app) are just platforms that a library can choose to use. And if they DO decide to use it, the library or library system makes the decisions about which ebooks and audiobooks to add to their collection.
So my Libby app may have tons of options and lots of availability for my library and your Libby app may be very sparse. It’s like a pantry – the builder puts a pantry in a home, but the home owner decides how much and what to stock the pantry with and the builder has nothing to do with it.
The second thing you need to know is that the best way to get to know the Libby app is by USING it. Of course it will feel a little daunting the first time you use it – most new things do! But it’s designed to be very user friendly and as you start exploring and using it, you’ll quickly feel comfortable with it!
Whether you’ve been using Libby for a while or are just diving in for the first time, I hope this post will be helpful!
Here are some of the biggest questions people had about Libby and the Libby app!
Libby 101: Everything you need to know about the Libby library app
Can you have multiple library cards on your Libby account?
Yes! If you tap the three lines at the bottom of the app, you’ll see your libraries pop up – just press the “Add Library” and you can add another card from another library. If you want to add a second (or third or whatever) card from the SAME library, press “manage cards” and you can add an additional card there.
With multiple cards on the Libby app, do I have to switch back and forth to check availability?
Nope! Libby is very smart – when you go to check out a book, it’ll show you the wait times at other libraries too. Also, when you’re searching for a book, you can tap the little library card icon in the left corner of the book and it’ll show you the info at all libraries in your account!
With multiple cards on the Libby app, do I have to switch back and forth to check availability?
Nope! Libby is very smart – when you go to check out a book, it’ll show you the wait times at other libraries too. Also, when you’re searching for a book, you can tap the little library card icon in the left corner of the book and it’ll show you the info at all libraries in your account!
How long do you have to accept a book on Libby?
Usually 3 days (72 hours).
How to read Libby books on Kindle?
Here’s how to send a Libby ebook to your Kindle! Step-by-step directions!
How do I send a Kindle ebook from Libby to my kid’s Kindle?
Just one extra step that most people miss! Here are step-by-step directions!
I’ve gotten ebooks from Libby that are not compatible with my Kindle- where can you read it?
The thing to remember here is that ebook is a sweeping term and not all ebooks are Kindle ebooks – if it’s not a Kindle ebook but just an ebook, you can’t send it to your Kindle. You’ll need to read it on your Libby app on your phone or tablet.
Can you send a Libby Kindle book to your Kindle and then do your ebook to audio trick?
You don’t need to send it to your Kindle but it’ll show up in the Alexa app and you can have Alexa read them to you on your phone! Here are step-by-step directions!
How to remove a Libby tag?
If you are are wanting to remove a tag from a book, just tap the tag and when the tag list comes up, just click the checkmark to remove it. If you’re wanting to delete a tag altogether, click the books icon and then under “Shelf” at the top, it’ll show “tags” and you tap that. Tap the name of the tag you want to delete and then when it opens that tag, click “Actions” in the top right corner and choose “Delete Tag.”
How do I do a deep search in Libby?
It’ll be an option under filters when you search – here is a video showing how to do it!
I love the Lucky Day/skip the line books! My friends never know what they meant until I showed them.
This is a fun feature on Libby where the library can have copies designated as Skip the Line copies and they’ll be randomly offered to people in the hold line for that book – you’ll usually only have 7 days to read/listen and you can’t renew them.
What are libraries you can add that aren’t necessarily your local ones?
I have a big list of libraries that offer non-resident cards here! Some of them are free depending on where you live and others will have a non-resident fee because . . . books aren’t free!
What is the airplane mode hack for books borrowed on Libby you haven’t finished but are due?
This works on a Kindle for most people (some people say they’ve lost the capability, so test it. for yourself!). If you turn on airplane mode on your Kindle, the ebooks you’ve checked out won’t return even if they’re due until you’ve reconnected your Kindle!
How do I find a list of all available audiobooks in a certain genre?
Click the search icon and then tap “audiobooks” and then click the funnel icon and tap “available now” and then scroll down to “Subject” and tap the genre you want – they have romance, mystery, fantasy, nonfiction, thriller, historical fiction, and more!
Can you use Libby for physical book holds or just ebooks?
Libby is only for digital materials – for physical books or other physical materials, you’ll need to place those holds on your library’s website or app.
How do I get around the ten holds limit?
The library sets the hold limit – so you may have more than ten holds or less, depending on the library. Your best bet is to get more library cards! You could have your spouse or kids each get a library card and add them all to your Libby account.
What does One Good Turn mean?
This is just a little Libby app features that lets you know other people are waiting for the book and that if you want to return it early, it’d be doing a good turn to someone else. If that stresses you out, just tap the X on the right hand corner by that book and it’ll disappear!
How to get in the hold line before a book is released?
If your book is already in the Libby system, you can place a hold if your library allows it. If it’s not showing up, use Deep Search (instructions here) to find the book and then click the “notify me” button so your library knows you want them to buy it!
Tell me about Delay Delivery vs. Suspend All Holds on the Libby app!
Delay delivery is for individual books – if your hold comes up and you just don’t have time to read or listen at the moment, you can push it back up to six months (I do this ALL the time!). Suspend all holds lets you put ALL your holds on pause – you’ll keep moving up the line while it’s suspended, but it won’t send them to you during that suspension and then when your suspended time is up, it’ll start sending them to you to check out as you hit the front of the line.
Is there a playlist function in Libby?
As far as I know, not currently. If I’m wrong, let me know!
How to return books early (when it says only possible to do from Kindle)?
You can return it on your Kindle (video directions here!) or just click the button on the Libby app that says “Return with Kindle” and it’ll let you do it all right there on your phone!
Why do you like Libby so much? My hold times for audiobooks are often months. Just my library?
I love Libby because I think it’s such a slick, easy app to use AND it’s the one that works best with my Kindle (Hoopla ebooks, for example, won’t send to a Kindle reader). And the hold times are 1000000% dependent on your library!
Any other questions about the Libby app? I’m happy to help (or research if I don’t know the answer!).
I used overdrive until I was forced onto the Libby app, but I love it now… change is hard. 🤣
My best Libby tip is to use the tags. I have one tag that is To Read and when someone recommends a book I tag it. Then I can go to that Tag and select Available Now when I’m looking for something to read and it will let me know if any of those books are available to check out from any of my libraries. Sometimes I go ahead and put a book on hold if it has a long wait and I’m sure I want to read it, but it’s easy to get too many books on hold and not be able to keep up with reading them as they become available… wish list item: I wish I could make a note on the books I’ve tagged telling me who recommended them.
Thank you for the Alexa tip. How can you add a kindle library that has a different email than Alexa?
My guess is that you’ll need to get them all on the same email address – I don’t know that you can make it work if they’re different.
The wishlist and borrowed features have disappeared on my app. There’s a feature now called timeline but it only shows the number of books, not what they were. Please help
In Overdrive, I could download an audiobook and listen it at my own pace or time. I could download the book as an audio file and save it. I don’t know if Libby will let me do it or if I just haven’t found out how to do it.
Hi Jansen ~
Thanks for this Libby 101!
I’m hoping you know the answer to this, though…. if an audiobook says it includes a PFD, how does one access it in Libby?
I will soon be traveling internationally. Can I load my Kindle with books I selected on Libby at home and will they remain there while traveling?
I have a friend whose daughter has a muscle disease and loves to read. Her hands cannot hold a book. Can the libby app be used on her smart tv?
so glad i ran across your informative site. i love libby and use it daily – mostly to listen to books. i just discovered all the periodicals that are available. here’s my question. how do i navigate between my AUDIOBOOK and a WRITTEN piece such as a periodical or book? is this possible? i just can’t figure it out.
thanks in advance for any info you can provide.
I’m not going to finish the Libby book that I’m presently reading on my PC…How do I release it back to Libby. Someone must be waiting for it.
you’ll ned to do it in the Libby app!
As always, thanks for all your help! Every time I set up a new Kindle, I come back to your posts! Do you have a tutorial for loading a magazine in Libby to a Kindle? Is that even possible? I can only find an option to add it to my magazine shelf but maybe I’m missing something!
I’ve never tried it!
Hi, basic probably but I’m now using the Libby app, but I’ve had to reload the app and I can’t link it to my library the search function can’t locate it at all?
Can you offer any advice?