Fashion Blogging

Kayla, my dear long-distance friend, switched up her blog a few months ago and now posts nearly-daily pictures of what she’s wearing. I pretty much live for her blog these days.

Also, I finally made her tortillas after a solid year of trembling in fear.They were a success! I may have bragged to every person I saw for the next week that I’d made my own tortillas. Or I may not have. I’ll never tell.

I mean, really, a food about clothing and healthy food? What’s not to like? (the fact that she lives hundreds of miles away, that’s what’s not to like).

And then she had the brilliant idea to ask non-fashion bloggers to do guest posts about what they wear. And isn’t she lucky to be friends with someone who is as non-fashion blogger as they get (see this post if you needed evidence that I was not made for the runway)?

So today, I am a . . .



Go check it out. I’ll be here, lying on the couch from the exhaustion of taking a decent picture. How do people do this every single day?

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  1. I love that Kayla started this, too, because some of those fashion blogs are downright intimidating. But aren't we all pretty put-together with a little effort? Yes!

  2. So cute, and I love the handmade ruffles! I've been thoroughly enjoying Kayla's blog (and admiring her fashion skills) ever since you linked to her a little while back. Great guest post!

  3. Great fashion post. I love your skirt…I'm a huge fan of skirts and constantly look for interesting vintage ones. You look comfortable in high heels-they never seem to work for me.

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