Our Homeschool Schedule for the Next . . . Who Knows How Long

Like most of you, my oldest girls are suddenly home from full-day school for the foreseeable future.

I’ve obviously chosen to send them to public school, but having them home doesn’t feel terrifying to me because I was homeschooled from Kindergarten until 9th grade (and even when I went to high school, I only went part-time).

I also homeschooled Ella part-time during kindergarten and full-time during first grade, plus done homeschool for my three oldest girls for preschool.

So I’ve spent nearly half my life with homeschool, either as a child or a parent.

And while I wouldn’t have CHOSEN this scenario, I’m actually really happy for this time to do more homeschool with my girls.

I worked up a general schedule over the weekend because I’m DEFINITELY the kind of person who likes a schedule, plus my children do so much better when they know what to expect.

Here’s what our daily schedule looks like right now:

homeschool schedule

Daily Schedule

6:00 a.m. Scripture Study and Work Time before the girls Get Up

7:30 a.m. HIIT workout or 2 mile run

8:00 a.m. Breakfast and everyone fully dressed and ready

9:00 a.m. Homeschool (I’ll show you what that looks like in a more detailed schedule at the end of this post!)

11:00 a.m. Free Play for girls while I work

12:00 p.m. Lunch and clean up

1:00 p.m. Naptime/Quiet Time/Work Time

3:00 p.m. Bart plays with the girls for an hour while I work

4:00 p.m. Play or read or go for a walk with the girls

5:30 p.m. Clean up the house and dinner prep

6:00 p.m. Dinner and clean up

7:00 p.m. Get ready for bed/scriptures & prayer

7:30 p.m. Read Aloud to the three big girls

8:00 p.m. Quiet reading or audiobook listening in bed

8:30 p.m. Lights out for kids

9:30 p.m. Read in bed

10:00 p.m. Lights out for adults

These times fluctuate a bit, but having that general framework really helps me know what to expect and when things fit into our day.

Here’s what our homeschool schedule looks like for those two hours:

homeschool schedule

Homeschool Schedule

ELLA (4th Grade – 9 years old)

9:00 a.m. Computer Work (Prodigy or MobyMax or Code.Org)
9:20 a.m. Classwork and homework
9:45 a.m. Math
10:00 a.m. Geography or Art History all together
10:30 a.m. Poetry all together
10:45 a.m. Puzzles and podcasts

Ani (1st Grade – 7 years old)

9:00 a.m. Reading practice with Mom
9:20 a.m. Waterford UPSTART or ABCMouse
9:45 a.m. Math
10:00 a.m. Geography or Art History all together
10:30 a.m. Poetry all together
10:45 a.m. Puzzles and podcasts

Star (Pre-K – 5 years old)

9:00 a.m. Waterford UPSTART (a free online preschool offered by our state that she’s been doing all year. If we didn’t have this, I’d have her do ABCMouse instead)
9:20 a.m. Reading/Math/Handwriting with Mom
10:00 a.m. Geography or Art History all together
10:30 a.m. Poetry all together
10:45 a.m. Puzzles and podcasts

Tally (3 years old)

9:00 a.m. Watch Star do Waterford UPSTART
9:20 a.m. Paint by sticker or coloring
9:45 a.m. Legos and Magnatiles or read aloud with Star and Mom
10:00 a.m. Geography or Art History all together
10:30 a.m. Poetry all together
10:45 a.m. Puzzles and podcasts

homeschool schedule

As the girls get their assignments from their elementary school starting later this week, we’ll reconfigure this to accommodate that, but for now, this is working really well.


Any questions? I’m happy to help as I can!


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homeschool schedule

Photos by Heather Mildenstein

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  1. Thank you! Can you add the age of your girls for each homeschool schedule? I can’t remember how old they are now!

  2. Hi there!

    I was hoping you could recommend some podcasts for a 9 year old boy and a 12 year old girl.

    Thank you!

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