What We Gave Ani for Her 12th Birthday
Last week, Ani turned twelve!
This has been a big year of changes for her, specifically leaving her STEM school to homeschool, which she’s loved.
She’s gotten back into Mandarin which has been fun to see come back.
She also broke her arm during swim team this summer (the first broken bone in our home!) and she and I took a trip together to Texas to stay in a tiny treehouse (so fun!).
She LOVES to read and is hoping to repaint her bedroom during Christmas break.
We celebrated her special day with breakfast in bed, a little birthday party with friends, a sushi lunch date with us and dessert with grandparents.
I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since she was born!
Here’s what she got this year as gifts:
Gifts for a 12 Year Old Girl
Ani loves this kind of brain teaser puzzle and I’ve been eyeing this for YEARS (the reviews are nuts!). This was the moment and I can’t wait for her to try it out. I think it is going to be a huge hit (plus the price is really good).
I bought a few pairs of these for Ella earlier this year and she has loved them. Ani’s room gets really warm in the winter and she doesn’t have much in the way of nicer pajamas (mostly just free swim team tee shirts!) so I thought this would be an upgrade she would enjoy. They’re cute and comfy and super affordable.
Last year, Ani’s 5th grade teacher had this in the classroom and she LOVED it and put it on her Christmas wishlist this year. Star couldn’t wait to pick out just the right one for Ani’s birthday.
One of Ani’s cousins has one of these and Ani was VERY taken with it, especially after she spent a week cleaning out her room down to every drawer and shelf a few weeks ago. Tally was thrilled to gift this to her!
This fall, Ani has gotten very into crocheting (my mom taught her) and so my parents got her a gift card to go to a local craft store and pick out more supplies. You better believe this was a hit!
Bart’s parents always give the grandkids a book for their birthdays and I knew this would be a hit because Ani has fallen in love with Brandon Sanderson’s books this year (in fact, as I’m working on this post, she’s reading some of the Skyward series on the couch!).