An Unpaid Review of FabFitFun

Curious about Fab Fit Fun? So was I, so I decided to try it for year! Here’s what I’ve thought so far. And if you want to try it, use the code SPRING40 for 40% off your first box!

Every year, when I set my goals, I try to pick one that’s just totally for fun.

A few years ago, I wanted to try Stitch Fix.

This year, I wanted to try FabFitFun.

I’d heard about it for YEARS, plus seen a million influencers do sponsored unboxing videos, and I wanted to try it for myself.

I’ve gotten two FabFitFun boxes now and I’m reporting back with a full review.

fabfitun review

If you’re unfamiliar with FabFitFun, it’s a quarterly curated box of products for women.

The standard cost is $49.95, although you can use this link for $10 off with the code FAB10, and they promise to have at least $200 worth of products in them.

I didn’t think to count for my Winter box, but for my Spring Box, the total retail cost of the products was $354. So $49.95 is a steal.

fabfitfun review

 Here’s what was in my Spring Box:

Before your box ships, you’ll get an email and have the option to choose some of the products – they’ll give you four or five choices and you can choose one (repeat 3-4 times).

The first time, I did this, the second time, I just let them send whatever.

Along with your box, you’ll get a magazine that has a lot of good content AND includes an overview of all the possible products that could have been included in the box, which is fun to see.

fabfitfun box

In any subscription box, you’re always going to have a dud or two – it’s just the nature of the game. But FabFitFun has enough products that even if you don’t care for some of the items, you’re still almost certain to come out ahead.

In the case of the Spring Box, the Murad Rapid Collagen Infusion was enough to justify the entire cost of the box and then some on its own. I LOVE Murad products and this one has been amazing.

And most of the other products have been a win too. I’d say the only one I’m somewhat meh about is the Donni Rib Sweater Coat.

Also, if there are products I don’t think I’ll use for whatever reason, I tuck them away in my gift box to give as presents to friends for birthdays or just a “thinking-of-you” gift.

And really, for a subscription box like FabFitFun, the delight is in getting the box in the mail and opening up all these fun surprises, even if it’s not 100% perfect.

Speaking of which, the boxes themselves are works of ART. Each one is connected to a charity that they’re supporting, and they are just gorgeous. You cannot help by smile when you see it show up on your doorstep.

fabfitfun review

I also think FabFitFun makes a GREAT gift, whether for a sister’s birthday or a Mother’s Day gift or pick-me-up for a friend going through a rough time.

Have you tried FabFitFun? I’d love to know what you’ve thought about it! And if you have questions about it, I’m happy to try to answer!

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  1. I finally caved for the Spring Box and really enjoyed it! I’m with you and was thrilled to get the Murad. I have been loving the Wei masks. I’ve found that one small jar will do 3 masks. And the hairbrush was really nice too. I think I’m going to sign up for the summer box now.

  2. I love Fab Fit Fun. I’m pretty cheap so I would NEVER pay $78 for a skin cream, but getting it in my Fab Fit Fun box makes me feel like I’m getting a great deal. I would say all my higher-end skin care and makeup is from Fab Fit Fun. In the winter, they gave this fantastic faux fur blanket that we all now fight over.

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