Book Deals for Late July

We’re spending the weekend celebrating Ella’s birthday plus getting ready to move into our new house next weekend (fingers crossed!).

I’m also wrapping up Sorcery of Thorns (it’s also on sale for $2.99 right now!) for the Everyday Reading Book Club, and I’ll have a full review of that up next week!

In the meantime, here are some other terrific books on sale this weekend!

The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
This terrific book chronicles the exodus of nearly six million Black individuals and families from the Southern states to the West Coast and Northern cities between 1915 to 1970 and focuses on three specific people that each go to a different city in a different decade. I mentioned this book on this post about books to read if you liked Just Mercy and also on the list of favorite books I read in 2011, if you’d like to see more about the book on one of those posts.

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
I mean, we all know Brene Brown, but if you haven’t gotten around to reading the book that shot her to stardom, now is the time. It’s FABULOUS. (Full review here)

The Millionaire Next Door by William D. Danko
I remember my parents reading this one when I was growing up and then Bart and I both read it shortly after we got married and it’s had a big effect on how I think about money, both earning and spending it.

Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty 
I’ve been a Liane Moriarty fan since I first read What Alice Forgot back in 2011. I’ve also read The Hypnotist’s Love Story, The Husband’s Secret, Big Little Lies and of course Truly Madly Guilty. I read the whole thing in about two days! This deal is a Chirp audiobook deal – if you’ve never used Chirp before, here’s a whole post about how it works. Plus if it’s your first Chirp purchase, you can use this link for an additional 20% off their already rock bottom prices. (Full review here)


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