Bart’s 12 Favorite Products This Year

Earlier this week, after I shared my annual favorite products of the year post, a friend on Instagram asked if I could do a list of Bart’s favorite products of the year and when I did a poll to see who would be interested, 99% of people said they would love a list like that.

I thought it might take Bart a bit to come up with a list, but in about 90 seconds, he rattled off 12 items that he’s loved this year.

Easier than I thought!

Here are the 12 items he chose (and any of these would make the BEST gifts for men in your life!):

best gifts for men

Best Gifts for Men

cashmere hoodieCASHMERE HOODIE
I bought this for Bart for Christmas last year (and one for my 27 year old brother) and it’s been the BIGGEST hit.  He wore it all winter long and when he pulled it back out this winter, he said, “I really need 2-3 more of these!”

Bart says: It’s the perfect mix of comfort and style, which is the goal of fashion for me. 

Several men in our neighborhood go trail running and when Bart started joining them, he bought these trail running shoes for safety and warmth. And now he wears them basically every day because they’re so much warmer than his normal tennis shoes!

Bart says: Ridiculously comfortable AND performant AND good looking.

Bart got our first Minky Couture blanket two years ago (an urban polar adult size one) and then this fall we got a monster sized Ripple one for our living room couch and pretty much every night while I read to the girls, you can find him reading by the fire with this blanket. It’s a winner for sure! Use the code BRADSHAW45 for 45% off!

Bart says: I’ve never had a blanket so soft and warm. 

mens puma socksPUMA SOCKS
During the summer, Bart wears ankle socks with his shoes, but when it started getting cool, he wanted something longer to keep his feet and ankles warm and snagged a set of these longer crew socks and he’s LOVED them.

Bart says: Great value – inexpensive, comfortable and don’t fall down.

peachy greensPEACHY GREENS
Bart got hooked on this greens powder this year and has a glass basically every morning after he works out. Use the code JANSSEN for 10% off.

Bart says: A surprising addition to my daily regimen that I actually look forward to.

reebok coatREEBOK COAT
Despite the fact that we’ve lived in Utah for the last four years, Bart hadn’t gotten a really good warm winter coat and when it started looking like a VERY snowy winter, he ordered himself this coat (in both blue and black!). He has LOVED it and comments on it nearly every time he puts it on. Having the right gear makes a big difference!

Bart says: I had no idea how much I needed a big puffy comfortable warm coat to make Utah winters ALMOST lovable.

phone wallet casePHONE WALLET CASE
Bart upgraded his phone this fall and Andar didn’t have a leather phone case with a wallet slit in the size of his new phone (which is the one he’d had on his previous phone for the past few years). He ordered this one and he loves it even more than the Andar one (bonus for being half the price too!). He especially likes that it has a little place for his thumb to pop out the cards without tugging them.

Bart says: A little bigger than I am used to but so functional and good-looking that it’s totally worth it.

beard trimmerBEARD TRIMMER
Bart upgraded to this beard trimmer at the end of last year and has LOVED it (it has a coupon you can apply right now too!).

Bart says: This no-nonsense trimmer sped up my beard trimming quite a bit. I can also use it to cut my hair with the additional attachments.

windshield coverWINDSHIELD COVER
Our new house doesn’t have a garage (our old one didn’t either) so this year Bart ordered a windshield cover so he wouldn’t have to scrape the car windows every morning before carpool. It’s been SO nice!

Bart says: Way less expensive than building a garage!

zone barsZONE BARS
Bart has tried basically every protein bar on the market and these are his current favorite (especially the chocolate peanut butter flavor). Perfect stocking stuffer!

Bart says: My latest favorite protein snack.

weight cageWEIGHT CAGE
When we bought this house that had a home gym (you can see it all here), this was top of Bart’s wishlist! And he’s gotten a LOT of use out of it over the past year.

Bart says: This completed my home gym for a surprisingly low cost.

mens sunglassesSUNGLASSES
Bart isn’t much for expensive sunglasses because they tend to get lost easily and he doesn’t want to worry about them while he’s boating or running or biking. He also wants ones that aren’t going to pinch the side of his head or slide down his nose. These were a win!

Bart says: I bought these on vacation in Mexico and liked them so much I came home and ordered a few more pairs on Amazon.

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