A Sad Story about a J.Crew Top

There are actual tragedies and then there are those totally minor tragedies that are embarrassing even to mention because they are so insignificant.

But, let’s be honest, they’re still a bummer when they happen to you.

This shirt is one of them.

I bought it from thredUP about two weeks after Tally was born and when it arrived, it was basically the perfect shirt.

Thick enough that I didn’t have to wear anything underneath it, thin enough that I wouldn’t roast in it all summer, a classic stripe, short sleeves that were long enough to be flattering. The list goes on and on. J. Crew, you do good work.

I wore it every single week for six weeks.

And then I got a pair of dark wash jeans from thredUP (the ones in this post, if you’re curious). Because they were secondhand, I didn’t even think about the dark dye being a problem.

You see where this story is going, don’t you?

Yes. That’s exactly what happened.

This beloved new shirt came out of the dryer with some lovely green/blue stains on the front.

(And it also got this gingham shirt that I’ve loved for the last year, plus a polo shirt that belonged to Bart).

You guys, I was so bummed.

I soaked it in OxiClean for a couple of days, then washed it again, but there’s still a fair amount of dye on it. So now it’s in another OxiClean bath, while I cross my fingers like a crazy person (this makes it very hard to type) that this second round will take it all out.

Bart said, “If you’re so sad about this, why don’t you just buy a new one?”

Of course, that’s the sad thing about thredUP. There’s usually only one.

And that one is currently in a red plastic bucket of stain remover.


TOP (via thredUP) • JEANS • SHOES


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  1. That is sad!! I hate it when that happens, but it’s even worse when it’s something you love. I ended up buying a 2nd shirt after I ruined the first one in the wash…and now there is a stain on that one! Sigh!

  2. Darn it! That is a really cute shirt. If the stain doesn’t come out, you could try using a box of Rit to dye the whole thing dark green or navy to cover it up. It would be a different look for sure, but for a comfy, flattering top it might be worth it!

  3. I love Oxiclean and can get almost anything out with it. But on the rare occasion that I can’t I use Grandma’s Secret Spot Remover as a back up. I got mine at Hobby Lobby, but it’s here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Grandmas-Secret-Spot-Remover-2-Ounce/dp/B0021JD2S0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1493642965&sr=8-1&keywords=grandma%27s+spot+remover
    It’s more work than a bucket of Oxiclean, but a favorite shirt you got for a steal seems like the perfect time to use it. : )

  4. Not sure if it will help, but here’s my most successful stain remover. Mix equal parts Dawn soap, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and some water. I make mine in a water bottle, or you can use a bowl. Spot treat and let sit for a day then wash. It’s the only thing I’ve found to really get out those yellow stains that appear in baby clothes years later and just about anything oxiclean can’t touch. Good luck!

  5. Try Rit dye remover! I’ve used it with great success! They sell it in my grocery store on the laundry aisle near the stain removers.

  6. Oh no! I hate when that happens. If the OxiClean doesn’t work (it sounds like it’s the powder?), I would try the OxiClean Max Gel. I use it & love it. If that doesn’t work, lemon essential oil is my backup. Sounds weird, but it actually works. It’s gotten lots of stains out of my boys’ clothes.

  7. That is so sad! I don’t want to rub it in, but I got this same shirt from ThredUp months ago and like you, it’s one of my favorites. I always notice when you’re wearing it in pictures and like to think of how similar our styles are that we could probably be friends. Again, I’m so sad for you! Good luck in finding a replacement.

  8. Have you tried Rit dye remover? You can find it at the grocery store. Be generous and use several boxes and soak for a least a day. It does amazing things!

  9. Have you tried fels-naptha? Seriously it’s a miracle bar I spilled paint in addys carpet in our utah house and got it out with that…. my light couch had 2 year old artwork applied to it and it came out, andwashed and dried grease stains come out… my friend got most of makeup out of her white sheets. And the best part it’s $1. Target doesn’t carry it but some grocery stores and Wal-Mart does…. worth a shot

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