Winter Challenge: Something that Scares You

Something scary? This was a no-brainer.

I wore my glasses. Eek.

I wear them frequently at night, but almost never ever out in public. At least yesterday was a really nice overcast day where I wasn’t missing my sunglasses.

Also, it is really difficult to take a picture of glasses without getting mega-glare.

 Shirt: Modbod, Sweater: Anthropologie,
Skirt: Swapped, Tights: Target, Shoes: Payless

I’m participating in Kayla’s Winter Challenge. Check it out on her blog:

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  1. You are BEAUTIFUL with your glasses! Every single pair you've ever owned, in fact. . .

    And I have to say, that sweater really has staying power!

  2. Your glasses are cool, says I fellow glasses-wearer. I'm trying to find a new pair these days, and it's tough going. Everything is either too boring or makes me look like Harry Potter (we're having a real retro period here in Holland and it's impossible to find glasses that aren't round and big. Also, forget HP, those give me hamster cheeks. Not cool).

    And I love both the skirt and the sweater. Very nice.

  3. I think you look fab in glasses, actually! My gripe with them is I can't wear sunglasses when it's sunny, and they get all foggy and wet when it's rainy. Lose-lose. Also, I really want Lasik.

  4. I can completely relate, I only wear glasses when I'm at home, at all other times I have my contacts in. Unless I have an eye infection, I won't be caught out in public in them. You make wearing glasses look cool with this outfit! The polka dot bow is so cute!

    The Tiny Heart

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