Where to find the 2021 Summer Reading Guide books on a budget

It was SO fun to release the 2021 Summer Reading Guide last week and I’m so appreciative of all your enthusiasm and excitement!

Of course, I want everyone to have access to the books they want to read and so, like last year, I’ve put together a list of some of the places where you can get these books for free or inexpensively.

Obviously, this isn’t a comprehensive list of every place you could get these titles, but these are some of my favorite places. Here’s a quick rundown of the sources we checked (and I say “we” because my amazing assistant did the vast majority of the legwork here):

Abe Books. This is one of my favorite places to snag used books online. They have great prices and most of the books have free shipping with no minimum order. What’s not to like?!

BetterWorldBooks. This is a great resource for used books, plus they use some of the proceeds to help support literacy programs. And you can use the code NEW10 for an extra 10% off their already low prices.

Libro.fm. This is my number one choice for audiobooks these days – it’s the same price as Audible, super easy to use, has a gigantic selection and helps supports independent bookstores. It’s a no-brainer for me. You can get 2 audiobooks for $14.99 here.

Audiobooks.com. This is another good alternative to Audible and you can choose any two books from their library for free with a 30 day trial.

Audible. Audible is the reigning king of audiobooks and if you’ve never tried it, you can pick any one book for their massive collection for free here.

Scribd. This is basically like Netflix for audiobooks and my girls use it EVERY SINGLE DAY to listen to audiobooks. It’s a bit glitchy, but it’s hard to beat for the price. You can read a full rundown of how it works here and you can sign up for a free 30 day trial here.

Hoopla. This is a service provided by public libraries, so if your library has a subscription you’re in luck. There are no hold lines on the ebooks or audiobooks (you’re just limited to a certain number of checkouts per month – that number is set by your library system) and the collection is the same across library systems.

I hope this helps make summer reading accessible and simple for you and your families!

Where to Find the Summer Reading Guide Books on a Budget

Chick Lit

jo & laurie

Jo & Laurie by Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz
$10.99 on Kindle
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
$6.71 on Abe Books
$7.06 on Better World Books

now that ive found you

Now That I’ve Found You by Kristina Forest
$10.99 on Kindle
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
Scribd audiobook
– Hoopla

float plan

Float Plan by Trish Doller
$10.99 on Kindle
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
Scribd audiobook (30 day free trial here)
– Hoopla

majesty book

Majesty by Katharine McGee
$10.99 on Kindle
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
$6.25 on Abe Books

Books for the Whole Family

ways to make sunshine

Ways to Make Sunshine by Rénee Watson, illustrated by Nina Mata – $7.99
$5.79 on Kindle
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial)

the wishmakers

The Wishmakers by Tyler Whitesides, illustrated by Jessica Warrick – $6.99
$6.99 on Kindle
$3.80 on Abe Books
$3.99 on Better World Books
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial)
– Hoopla


Ghost by Jason Reynolds – $5.99
$6.99 on Kindle or free with Amazon Kids
$3.80 on Abe Books
$3.98 on Better World Books
Scribd audiobook (30 day free trial here)

houdini and me

Houdini and Me by Dan Gutman
$9.99 on Kindle
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial here)

mrs frisby and the rats of nimh

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIHM by Robert C. O’Brien – new paperback $5.71
$7.99 on Kindle
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
$3.80 on Abe Books
$3.98 on Better World Books
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
– Hoopla

Absorbing Audiobooks

the half sister

The Half Sister by Sandie Jones
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial here)

the four winds book

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial here)

call me maybe

Call Me Maybe by Cara Bastone
– Audible (get it for free with a 30 day trial here)

when stars are scattered book

When Stars are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)


Effortless by Greg McKeown
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)

Page Turning Novels

the good sister book

The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial here)

head over heels

Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein
$9.99 on Kindle
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
$6.23 on Abe Books
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial here)

touch and go lisa gardner

Touch & Go by Lisa Gardner – hardcover $9.99
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
$3.79 on Abe Books
$3.98 on Better World Books
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial here)

Fantastic Non-Fiction

dancing at the pity party book

Dancing at the Pity Party by Tyler Feder
$10.99 on Kindle
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
$11.40 on Abe Books
Scribd audiobook (get it free with a 30 day trial here)

think again

Think Again by Adam Grant
Libro.FM Audiobook (get it for half price with this audiobook deal)
Audiobooks.com (get it free with a 30 day trial here)
$16.57 on Abe Books

Happy reading – I hope this helps you find the Summer Reading Guide titles you’re looking for without breaking the bank!

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One Comment

  1. I also like Thriftbooks.com for used books. They have free shipping on any order over $10. Such great deals!

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