5 of My Favorite Tracking Apps

I love a good tracking app – it’s probably the librarian in me that loves data and organization. It’s so nice to be able to track the things that matter to you, whether it’s your money or your reading or your phone usage.

I have a folder on the home screen of my phone called “Tracking” and I have all my favorite tracking apps there in one easy to use place!

Here are five of the tracking apps I love most (bonus, they’re all free or have free versions!)

tracking apps

5 of My Favorite Tracking Apps

Goodreads. I track all the non-picture books I read on Goodreads and have since 2007. I don’t do anything fancy (my reviews there are about 3-5 words long; I save all my wordiness for this blog) but it’s nice to have a record of how many books I’ve read and a quick rating. If you’re curious, I have a whole post here about how I use Goodreads.

Truebill. I just did a full post about Truebill last week (it’s here if you missed it), but I couldn’t leave this one off the list. It’s the handiest thing to be able to see all my expenditures, upcoming payments, month to date spending, and budget all in one place. I LOVE this app – it’s so handy and easy to use.

FloI started using this free period tracking app a couple of years ago and it’s terrific (there is a paid version, but I’ve only used the free one and haven’t had any personal need for the upgrades). I use it to track my period and it’s really handy to have years of that data at a glance, plus I appreciate the notifications of things like “you may have a headache today” or “you’ll likely have higher energy for the next few days.”

MapMyRunI’m a very wimpy runner (although running is one of my biggest summer goals!) and I’ve used MapMyRun for close to a decade – it’s so nice to see exactly how far I’ve gone, how my pace is, and see my streaks. Again . . .I use the free version (are you seeing a trend here?).

Screen Time Usage. Maybe this one is cheating a little bit because it’s not actually an app – it’s a widget built right into the iPhone operating system. If you press and hold somewhere on your home screen, a little + sign pops up in the top left corner and you can add widgets. Search for “Screen Time” and you can add a couple of different versions to your home screen. I love being able to see at a glance how much time I’ve spent on my phone that day as well as a breakdown of which apps I’ve been using most. If you’re trying to keep your screen time down, this is a VERY useful tracking app.

What tracking apps do you use regularly? I’d love to hear about the ones you find most useful!

if you liked this post about my favorite tracking apps, you might also like these other posts:

tracking apps

Photos by Christie Knight Photography

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One Comment

  1. Have you tried The StoryGraph app for tracking your reading? I l started using it this year, and I’ve absolutely loved it. You can rate down to the quarter star (so 2.25 or 4.75, etc) so you aren’t stuck rounding up or down to a whole star if your rating is somewhere in-between. Not to mention all the other statistics! Fiction vs nonfiction, audio vs physical vs digital, length of the book, genre! So many graphs, and you can get a monthly or yearly breakdown of your reading habits, all for free!

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