Touch & Go by Lisa Gardner
I’m pretty careful about what books I sign up to read and review with the BlogHer Bookclub. I usually read the summary, check out a few other reviews, and get a feel for whether or not it is a book I’ll enjoy reading and then be interested in actually writing about.
Frankly, if I’d just read Touch & Go on my own, I probably wouldn’t have written about it. Which makes it sound like I didn’t like this book.
Actually, I loved it. I was thrilled every time Ani needed to eat so I could read a couple more pages. I let Ella play with my phone so that I could squeeze in another chapter. I read the last few chapters with my heart pounding as all the details played out. Yes, it was one of those books that was just absolutely fun to read.
But it’s total pleasure reading. And it had enough swearing (and violence) that I’d probably be hesitant about recommending it straight out. I’d say it’s about on the level with John Grisham books (maybe a bit more swearing and less sex, but it’s been about ten years since I read any John Grisham, so I make no promises).
Am I done making disclaimers? Yes.
touch and go by lisa gardner
The story is about a family of three (husband, wife, teenage daughter) who are kidnapped out of their ritzy Boston home. The story of their abduction and subsequent holding is told from the wife’s point of view. Things aren’t going very well in the marriage and Libby’s life was looking fairly grim, despite the family fortune, even before things got really bad, what with being snatched from her entryway.
In addition to the FBI and local law enforcement trying to track down the family, there is also an ex-cop turned private investigator who has been hired by the family business (a very successful construction firm) to help find the missing trio, and a sheriff from New Hampshire who got involved in the case when Boston cops made a call for him to check something related to the case out. While Libby narrates things from under the watchful eyes of the kidnappers, these two investigators both narrate as well, as they try to figure out who the kidnappers are and what their motives might be. Not to mention trying to find the family before anyone ends up dead.
There are a lot of false leads, dead ends, and surprises here. I was hooked from page one until the very last page. And then I went to look up more books by Lisa Gardner, because I just need more fun reading in my life.
Also? I totally guessed the ending (although only about a chapter before the characters did). But still. I’m very proud. This never ever happens for me.
I am paid for my participation in the BlogHer Book Club, but I choose which books to read and my reviews are strictly my own opinions. If I think a book is terrible, I’ll say so. If I rave about a book, it’s because it’s one I’d give to my mom.
Ohh — on my reading list!! Unfortunately, me and 40+ other people want to check it out from the library. So I'm trying to wait patiently!
I JUST downloaded this on my kindle last night! started it about 10pm so I may need to re-read a few of those pages 🙂 I try to check out People magazine at the library every couple weeks to see what book recommendations they have — they have GREAT recommendations — this one was in last week. Have you read 'Defending Jacob" ?
julia –
I am in need of some pleasure reading (I've been on a serious non fiction kick lately). Adding this to my list!
oh, I just don't know how you do it! READ. I have yet to pick up a book this year (I knew I made my 2013 reading goal only 2 books for a reason!)
I just finished this book today after seeing your recommendation. I couldn't put it down! A fun read, as I love suspenseful who-dunnit's. I've added a few other books of hers to my list. Thanks!