Sisters Share It All: Pinterest Challenge Wrap-Up

Yesterday morning, like the true procrastinator I am, I told Ella, “Guess what? We’re going to get some cupcakes today!”

Except, that turned out to be an April Fool’s joke because apparently the Hey Cupcake! near us is not open on Mondays. Perhaps I should not have waited until the last day?

Poor Ella took this staggeringly bad news with good grace. Guess we’ll just have to go another time. (Seriously, I’m astounded that I was unable to go buy a cupcake in a six-week period. What is wrong with me?)

Much better success on the other two fronts, though, happily:

Using Kayla’s very excellent freezer paper tutorial, I made this striped shirt a little less boring:

And then a little outfit copy-catting:

Shirt: Old Navy, Pants: Old Navy, Necklace: from Landen
Shoes: Fossil, Glasses: c/o Firmoo

The other pins I finished for this challenge were homemade fruit snacks, avocado ice cream, and gold dotted mugs. Not too shabby.

Check out Merrick and Landen’s smashing successes (probably, they are not cupcake losers like me):

Want to share your success too? Link to your wrap-up post!


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  1. lol… the cupcake… it happens! If it makes you feel better, I didn't complete all 6 either. You did such a great job with the rest though.

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