It’s Not All Visiting Museums and Jaunting Around Food Markets
I kind of can’t remember what it was like to have an office with a desk (and, let’s not forget, that giant unused queen bed behind me to spread out all the papers on). I just made the mistake of looking at the photos I snapped of my office back in the spring and now I’m missing that house even more than I usually do.
Now I do all my work sitting on my bed. The good news is that I have no paperwork, because basically no one has my address over here (let’s not talk about how much paperwork has piled up at my parents’ house while we’ve been gone. At least it’ll give me something to do when I’m up with the girls at 4 a.m. when we get back and are all dealing with severe jet-lag).
One of the work-y type things I’ve been doing is writing for Conde Nast Traveler (because there is only so many travel photos you can inflict upon one single blog), and it’s basically the most fun gig in the world.
In October, I wrote four posts:
- How to Deal with Jet-Lagged Kids (so many Pringle-eating fests in the middle of the dang night that first week. Sometimes the girls woke up too)
- Traveling pregnant? 4 Things to Stick in Your Purse (not mentioned: many chocolate bars. Bart’s parents came through, though, and we were never far from a chocolate bar for the two and half weeks we were together)
- 9 Ways to Entertain Your Kids on a Long Flight (you know, besides 5 back-to-back movies on the iPad)
- How to Make Museums Fun for Little Kids (we were not really on our game when we visited the Rijksmuseum, but we’ve gotten a lot better)
And, a couple of Disney Baby posts because, what else are you going to do on a Thursday? (Besides, you know, actual productive things):
- 9 Things to Do Before Your Baby is Born (diaper subscription for the win)
- How I Know I Love My Children (why else would anyone ever push those 40-foot-long horrible car carts around the grocery store?)
- 10 Pumpkin-Shaped Treats (I do not subscribe to the “all-pumpkin-flavor-all-the-fall-long” theory, but I do like food that is cute).
- Things You Shouldn’t Say to a New Mom (a few of these you could get away with if you are very close friends. But to a stranger? No. Don’t).
That is the cutest face—full of joy, excitement and a little bit of mischief. Hope you find a great place to live when you are back in North Carolina.
One of the happiest moments of my mom life was when my kids outgrew those stupid truck carts. Followed by them being able to cut their own nails (my boy has such ticklish feet, he once kicked me in the face by accident). And most recently, they can both swallow pills now. No more nasty sticky bottle of children's Tylenol.
I sometimes feel like it's a dirty secret that I love those carts at the grocery store. Maybe my store has extra-awesome ones, but they're great! Even though they're a mile long they turn on a dime. It's easier than pushing a regular cart, honestly, and I get to be the fun mom.