
How to Add Additional Library Cards to your Libby Account

If you have multiple library cards, you’re definitely living your best library life!

But how do you add multiple library cards to your Libby account? Do you need to create multiple profiles?

The good news is that whether you have multiple library cards for the same library (for instance, one for you, one for your spouse and ones for your kids) or you have library cards for multiple different libraries, there is no need to create multiple Libby profiles or accounts – you can add them all to your existing Libby account.

Even better? It’s SUPER easy.

Here’s how to add more Libby Library Cards:

libby library card

Open the Libby app on your phone or tablet and tap the three horizontal lines at the bottom center of the screen.

libby library card

If you want to add another card for a library you already have on Libby, choose “Manage Cards.”

If you want to add a card for a library you do NOT already have on Libby, choose “Add Library.” (This feels a little like a Choose Your Own Adventure book!).

If you’re adding another card to an existing library, after you choose “Manage Library,” you’ll scroll down and click “Add Card.”

It’ll prompt you through to add your library card. Once it is added, you can tap the three dots on the right bottom corner of the card and rename the card so you know which card is which.

If you’re adding a card for a new library, click “Add Library” and then search for your library. Once it comes up, it’ll prompt you through adding your library card and PIN!

Now you’re all ready to roll!

And the best news is that when you search for a book, it’ll search ALL your libraries.

When you search for a book, you can tap the little library card in the righthand corner and it’ll show you the availability and wait times across all your cards. Genius!

libby library card

Any other questions about adding library cards to your Libby account or searching them? Let me know in the comments and I’m happy to help!

(P.S. Want to get more library cards? Here’s a big list of libraries that offer non-resident cards!)

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