How to Leave the House with Three Children

This post is sponsored by Mott’s. Thanks for being so supportive of sponsored posts on my blog – I feel ridiculously fortunate to be able to stay home with my three little munchkins and still keep a roof over our heads.

 I remember my mom saying when I was growing up, “Four children is half as many as five.”

I don’t have five children or even four, but I know what she means. Going somewhere with two

children now seems like a total breeze, and it doesn’t even matter which two children it is.

But, because I’m the type to get stir-crazy pretty quickly, I’ve left the house plenty with all three

children on my own.

Here are some of the things that make it not insane to get out the door:

how to leave the house with children

Travel light. The more children I have, the less stuff I take with me. There’s no need for ten

pacifiers or four back-up outfits (pretty sure no child has ever been taken away by CPS for going

home in a diaper after a wardrobe malfunction). I take my wallet, my phone, a single extra

onesie, a thin blanket (for a changing spot, a burp cloth, a nursing cover, and to keep my baby

warm), and a healthy snack for emergencies. And. . .usually my Kindle because I live in fear of

being stuck somewhere without a book to read.

Use a baby wrap. If I’m doing a bunch of errands, I’ll just pop the car seat in and out of the car

and stick it in the cart, but usually, it’s easiest for me to carry her in a baby wrap so that I can

have my hands free and not use up the entire cart space. Plus, when she was really little (or. . . .little-ish. When you start at 10 lbs, you aren’t ever THAT little), it

made people way less likely to try to touch her.

Estimate generously. A Target trip to pick up two small items takes forever because loading

and unloading three children is not quick, and also two of those children always want to

“quickly” scope out the toy aisle (hence the Kindle). And although I try not to let my kids snack

much between meals, I keep a couple of Mott’s® Snack & Go in my bag so that when we end

up being gone (much) longer than I expected, no one starves to death. Plus, if we’re out with

friends and they all pull out snacks, it’s super embarrassing to me when my children start

hanging around like starving puppies until my friends give them snacks. Better to just have my

own, especially since I can control better what they eat (I love that the strawberry and natural

flavored Mott’s® Snack & Go products have no added sugar and that when I also find myself

ridiculously starving – thank you, nursing – I’m happy to eat them myself. The strawberry is my

total favorite).

Practice makes (more) perfect. Taking three kids around is never going to be as easy as

running errands by yourself, but the more I do it, the less overwhelming it seems. I get faster at

getting everyone in and out of the car. My girls get better about staying right with me. And I’m

less fazed if there are tears. And those tears are less likely to be mine. Also, my responses to,

“So, are you going to try for a boy?” get better.

And then, on other days, the farthest we go is to the mailbox.

I like those days too.

Mott’s® Snack & Go is the nutritious applesauce kids love in a squeezable pouch they can takewith them wherever they go. Mott’s is also the only applesauce brand with Box Tops for

Education®, helping to support kids’ schools. Visit us on to learn more.

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  1. Yeah, I get the opposite questions a lot, "Are you going to try for a girl?"

    As if I have any choice in the matter. And as if it's any of that random person's business if I have another baby of either sex. The worst, though, is the joking, "But then what if you had ANOTHER BOY?"

    As if four boys would be the end of me,

    I don't actually find boys to be that frightening, nosy stranger, thanks for your concern.

  2. When I get super overwhelmed about leaving the house, I always think, how does Janssen do this with 3?! Good to know its manageable!

  3. Feel free to do sponsored posts. I have said it before, but I will say it again, you still have content on your sponsored posts. You still write a post that is both insightful and entertaining. You also don't just post a bunch of pictures of yourself in an outfit with a bunch of ℅ at the end. I fee like it is still true to you.
    I love your tips and while I only have 2 right now it makes 3 seem less daunting.

  4. I "just" have 2 boys, but sometimes I feel the same way. They are 3 & 6 now, so life has gotten a little easier in the "bringing stuff" category. But trips still seem to take forever (I'm definitely bringing my kindle the next time we go to Target — brilliant!) Bringing snacks is a great idea too — it is always my plan that gets forgotten, but I think I'll stash some applesauce in my bag when I get home from work today!
    I get the "are you going to try for a girl" from my students a lot. You guys, I taught you genetics, the chance is still 50% every time! (is what I might say. Or just Nope)

    And I love all your posts, sponsored or otherwise. You always make me laugh & feel better about life.

  5. Perfect timing – Just had my third a couple weeks ago and have yet to leave the house by myself with all 3! Will be using your tips when I finally build up enough courage! 😉

  6. Going out with three became a whole new ball game for me when #3 turned 2 and a half and started refusing to sit in the cart. And he's a runner. Yikes! We make it through Target now with two strapped into the big cart, one walking (or we go when he's at school) and a bag of popcorn. Totally worth the $2.

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