Our Family Avengers Costume
Last year, our Sleeping Beauty family costume required a LOT more sewing and DIY than I really wanted (although I was THRILLED with how they turned out). I swore that this year we’d pick a theme that didn’t require a lot of work on my end.
And, hallelujah! This year’s family Avengers costume required exactly ZERO sewing on my end. The extent of the DIYing was wrapping some washi tape around Star’s antenna headband and cutting the blue star material off Tally’s Captain Marvel costume. Just the way I like it.
It’s always a serious journey to figure out a family costume. My girls are completely sold on the idea of family costumes and spend months and months making suggestions before we settle on something that all six of us are game for.
I don’t know how Avengers came to be this year since Ella’s the only one that has seen ANY of the Marvel movies, but somehow everyone was excited about it and considering how hard it is to get six people to agree on a single costume theme, we ran with it.
For extra fun, my parents are in town this weekend and Ella suggested that we invite them to dress up with us. So we got a Dr. Strange and Wanda to add to our crew – they’re good sports! (You may guess from this post that my dad, especially, was not a hard sell because he LOVES a good costume).
Family Avengers Costume SOURCES
Captain America costume: Suit (the exact one is sold out, but this one is similar) // Captain America Shield
Spiderman costume: Suit
Gamora costume: Black shirt // Leather leggings // Leather Vest // Gauntlets // Belt // Green face and body paint // Gamora wig // Black boots
Black Widow costume: Jumpsuit
Mantis costume: Leather leggings // Green vest // Green gloves // Mantis wig // Antenna headband
Captain Marvel costume: Dress
Dr. Strange costume: Dr Strange costume // Boots
Wanda costume: Wanda outfit // Wanda wig
Well done!