Chocolate Happiness

Last year, I mentioned that we were pretty casual observers of Valentine’s Day. We don’t like to spend a lot of money or make a lot of effort.

We’re sticking to our Valentine’s Day schedule this year, which consists, in its entirety, of the following:

1) Dinner at a Thai restaurant (I swear, this is the best thing ever, as they are never crowded on Valentine’s Day. Of course, this year, since the holiday falls on a Sunday, we’ll be going Saturday night instead, so it’s not like it even matters).
2) Homemade Chocolate dessert. Because, let us be honest with ourselves – Thai restaurants are not exactly known for their chocolate desserts. Also, for Bart, any dessert that is not chocolate, isn’t really dessert.

So, here’s where I ask for some help again (I know, it’s just take, take, take over here). What chocolate dessert should I make for the holiday? Suggestions? Links? Pictures?

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  1. I am with Bart. Dessert=chocolate.

    I've got a couple that I like, but I won't clutter your comments with the full recipes, so I'll email you.

  2. Ha! Was just coming to post the exactly same link that Lisa C posted- the oreo truffles. I have been craving them since eating two at Christmas. And I don't even LIKE Oreos, so you know they are good.

  3. You have GOT to try this cake from Orangette:

    Cake really isn't even the right word. It's rich and decadent – like eating brownie batter, but cooked so it's not dangerously raw.

    These slow roasted tomatoes are amazing too:

    I think I have a post about this recipes scheduled for sometime this week on my blog.

  4. We like to keep things simple: we melt Hershey's Special Dark chips and then dunk anything we can find ( fresh fruit, dried fruit, pretzels, cookies, marshmallows, nuts, etc.) in it.

  5. I recommend a chocolate cream pie. I don't have a recipe on hand, but my mother-in-law makes a really delicious one that I'm sure I could get the recipe for if you want it, because oh. my. amazing.

  6. This Chocolate Truffle Torte is amazing [] its a fairly failsafe recipe. The rum is substitutable, and its chocolate deliciousness.

    Chocolate mousse is always good too.

  7. this chocolate cake is the best i have ever had in my life…. in fact, I'm going to go blog about it right now……you know where to find it 🙂

    thank you for reminding me that i need to make this on valentine's day also! it would've been tragic if I'd forgotten.

  8. Triple chocolate mousse cake. The recipe is from Cook's Illustrated and it was DIVINE. Of course, it takes like three days and a zillion steps, so…

  9. Sometime you should check out the Chocolate Bar in the Langham Hotel in Boston. It's all-you-can-eat and really great. My motto is "don't eat anything you can make".

    Re: recipes – I have a bunch but would suggest chocolate croissant bread pudding (Barefoot Contessa)

  10. WOW! You've got some pretty awesome ideas! I am a choco-holic and Ryan just made an INSANE chocolate cheesecake from scratch- SO GOOD! Start early in the am or even the night before- it has to set in the fridge for six hours- it's the ghiradelli chocolate cheesecake on their website- oh my goodness!

  11. We love Chocolate Molten Cakes and it is super easy. Just mix a chocolate cake mix per instructions. Fill cupcake tins 1/2 full, then drop a heaping tablespoon of Hershey Hot Fudge Sauce (from a jar) into the batter. Bake as usual. Turn upside down and serve with a big scoop of ice cream.

    The cake will be warm and the center gooey, fudgey goodness!

    You can look at picture of my monsters enjoying it at:

  12. You have a lot of great suggestions here. I am a fan of good old Texas chocolate cake and I bet you probably are too. 🙂

    One other option that is delectable in the best way is the following:

    Nie mentioned this on her blog awhile back and the resulting recipe and photos are absolutely amazing. Check it out for the photos, if nothing else. 🙂

  13. I second the Smitten Kitchen chocolate section comment. I can personally vouch for the:

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake (

    Dark Chocolate Tart (

    Chocolate Chip Cookies (

    I also LOVE Caramel Brownies ( I'm considering making them with Smitten's cocoa brownie base next time.

  14. totally with bart…i will not purchase dessert at any restaurant unless it consists of CHOCOLATE!! you will have to share your homeade recipe. steve and i love thai food. we hit the thai spoon up by the heb on a regular basis. we don't even have to tell them what we want…maybe we go a bit too much??

  15. My two cents: Diana bananas cake is incredible. I was going to suggest that cake and then noticed she had done so… so I will just second it as UBER (meaning even more, over the top) amazing. Danny requests I make it on a monthly basis due to it's yummy goodness. Happy V Day!!!

  16. 3 ideas:

    1. Nigella Lawson's chocolate cheesecake (, which I have been dying to try. It got great reviews, which is always a good start. Of course, I'd make it with an Oreo crust for even more chocolate.
    2. This fondue, which looks great and would be fun with a sweetheart (
    3. Texas sheet cake, which is the best chocolate dessert ever invented. I have a great recipe if you want it and don't already have one.

    Now I must read all the other comments and dream of chocolate.

  17. Those Cooking Light chocolate souffles are really good… but really, so is almost anything made of chocolate. Scratch that, anything made of GOOD chocolate.

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