What I’m Going to Read: Round 8

People, there are some seriously good suggestions this month. Someday, when I run out of books to read, I’m just going to work my way through this list from top to bottom. The winner this month is Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede recommended by Smalldog.

Also, I have not finished last month’s book, but I am working on it and I’ll be done soon. Fortunately, the person who recommend it was Kelly and one of the main reasons I’m behind on the book is because I’ve been plowing through my ALA books to send to her, so I’m hopeful she’ll cut me a little slack (right, Kelly?)

And the rest of the books:

Also, I have a better showing this month, happily, on books I’ve already read from the list:

AND, I have two of these books on CD sitting in my car just WAITING to be read:

Frankly, I never thought I’d be so proud of myself for having read (most of) four books.

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  1. Yay! Dealing With Dragons was one of my very favorite books when I was younger. I'm excited to see what you think.

  2. I read Dealing with Dragons in 8th grade…in fact I think they asked all the students to read it and then we we did a trivia type game in an assembly about the book. I have not read it since but I remember that I loved it back then…so much so I bought it offline…but have yet to pick it up again. Maybe I will read with you!

  3. I remember Dealing with Dragons from being a kid, can't wait to see how you like it. (Ok, I "remember" it. Not so well.) But, one of my very very favorite books ever is Caught In Crystal by Wrede, so it must be good.

    So many good ones in this list- Eats of Eden!

  4. I had to repeat "This is not a contest, this is not a contest" over and over again to myself because I was SO EXCITED that I had read nine of these.

  5. You will love Dealing with Dragons, and then want to read the other three books in the series 🙂 Luckily they are all pretty quick reads.

  6. kassadi read gregor the overlander series in a matter of weeks. she LOVED them! good luck on your reading. i look forward to your reviews 🙂

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