
And then there were Four

After a delayed induction on Friday morning, we returned to the hospital on Friday afternoon and had this darling little girl at 5:55 p.m.

She shocked us all by weighing in at 8lbs, 12oz.

We love her to pieces, and are so happy to all be home together.

and then there were four


and then there were four


and then there were four
and then there were four

And I am not pregnant anymore.

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  1. Yay! She is here and now the fun can begin. Relish in the joy that is NOT being pregnant. Congrats and blessings to all. Angie

  2. She's beautiful, and you look fabulous. I have two December babies, and two December grandchildren, and three December siblings, and too many December nieces and nephews and in-laws to count. December is a joyous month for us in many ways! Congratulations.

  3. Wow Janssen! You make having a baby look like a piece of cake! ha! You are a doll and she is so cute! Congratulations to you and Bart!

  4. Yay, congratulations! She has such scrumptious chubby cheeks, just like my babies. And you can lay on your back again! Hooray for that.

  5. Oh! I die! How sweet are those cheeks! Wish I could come over to squish that little thing and bring you a milkshake.


  6. Congrats!! She is beautiful. No wonder you were done being pregnant you were carrying around a full size 2 month old!!! And you look far too beautiful for just having a baby. Forgive me for my jealousy 😉

  7. Her hair color matches yours exactly!! I was ecstatic when I saw her on Instagram! I kept checking all day long. Congratulations family of four! You're one of the cutest families I know (well, sort of know).

  8. Congratulations! She is gorgeous. And, having three kids of varying sizes, I'm a firm believer that babies with a little more meat on them sleep better earlier. Hope it's true for you!

  9. YAY! CONGRATS! That is so awesome and she is too lovely. I love all of her hair. My baby girl also surprised us by topping out at almost 9 pounds. Whew. I love your ending sentence. After both of my babies, once I realized I was no longer pregnant, I busted out into massive loads of tears. Yeah, I guess I don't like bring pregnant much. But who would when they have to go 42 weeks? Congrats again ~ hope the next few weeks go smoothly and you're able to rest. Look forward to seeing this little munchkin grow….

  10. How wonderful! Congratulations! So thankful she's here safe and sound. And she looks so sweet. I especially love the picture of you two sleeping. She's an awesome Christmas present! 😀

  11. Congratulations! She is just beautiful. I hope you are recovering well–the photo of you two sleeping together is lovely.

  12. She is so very cute. Very many congratulations! I hope Ella is doing well with the changes. Hope you are doing well. I still cannot believe you had a baby that big. 🙂

  13. There is nothing so magical. I am so happy for you! Her little face looks so kissable. How in tarnation did you fit such a big baby in such a tiny frame? My babies were 8.14 (except the premie), but I looked it! Where did you hide her? So, so excited for your little Christmas miracle.

  14. You don't have permission to look that gorgeous hours postpartum.

    She is a beautiful baby, Janssen. Can't wait to hear her blog name. I love those squishy cheeks. Congrats again!

  15. ooooh, she is so beautiful! I'm so happy for you that she's here safe & sound. And that you're not pregnant anymore. 🙂 Happy, happy day!

  16. Congratulations! So cute. And that last line just cracked me up… you get a baby AND you don't have to be pregnant any more? Sweet. :o)

  17. Congratulations! My goodness you look great. It took me so long to just myself into the shower, and I'm pretty sure I stayed in the hospital gown the whole time.

  18. Such pretty pictures…I love those chubby cheeks!

    And hooray for not being pregnant anymore! I distinctly remember those being the first words out of my mouth 2 1/2 years ago after I delivered B. That's the most important thing, right?!

  19. Congratulations Janssen, she is beautiful! I'd love to hear her name if you're planning to share. Enjoy this precious time as a new family of four. 🙂

  20. Congratulations! She is beautiful and probably has that fantastic baby smell. Ella must be over-the-moon with happiness.

  21. still shocked at her weight. she is SO cute. do you just want to pinch her cheeks? I'm not a cheek pincher but those look tempting!!!!

    Congrats again — I bet Ella is in heaven!

  22. WONDERFUL! She is beautiful! And I know you growed her and all, but seriously how'd you get her to have the exact same hair color as you! That's awesome! She's her Mama's girl, so sweet! Way to go!!

  23. CONGRATULATIONS! She is a doll!!! I can't wait to see more pictures :o)

    And btw, you look absolutely glowing! I know part of it is pure joy shining through, but I also think you need to do a blog post on your skin care routine ;o)

  24. And there's your supermodel-there's-no-way-she-just-had-a-baby hospital picture! Wow! Seriously?! That baby is DELICIOUS!

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