Very Good and a Little Bit Bad

Yesterday was supposed to be the day I wrote a post saying, “It’s a ……” Our ultrasound was scheduled for Friday.

Let me cut to the chase of the story. The very good news: Our baby appears to be healthy and have all the necessary limbs and organs. The semi-bad news: We still have to call it an “it” because that baby would not uncross its ankles and the doctor exerted about 0.000001% effort to get it to move or even get a better view.

The tech, who was a delightful and very pleasant woman, tried pretty hard to tell and she said based on the one shot the doctor got of the baby, she was 75% certain it was a girl, but there was no telling. We ran into the doctor in the hallway when we were leaving and I asked her if she thought it was a girl too, based on the image she took. Her delightful, heart-warming response? “Oh, I didn’t even really look at that image.”

The day of, I was really bothered not to know, but now I’m kind of resigned to possibly not knowing until the baby is born. Plus, I think it’s a girl.

In other news, I’m in Las Vegas for the week, celebrating the fact that Massachusetts gives both a week long winter break in February and a week long spring break in April. Let us all rejoice.

People, I have never loved Las Vegas like I’m loving it now. I wore a t-shirt yesterday. We walked four miles outside. My mom and I ate lunch on the patio. This WARM and sunny weather thing is nearly killing me with its fabulousness. Bart will be lucky if I get on that plane this weekend to go back to the snow and the cold.

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  1. Well, first of all, I am so very glad to hear that the baby is healthy and developing well. That is the most important thing. However, it is frustrating not to know if it will be a boy or a girl! It is so much easier to plan and prepare if you know! But noneless, it's healthy and that's what matters. Congrats.

  2. Janssen, I am in HAWAII and I have been checking your blog every day to see if everything is ok! I am so glad you posted cause I was about to have to email you and find a polite way to ask! YAY for healthy, which really, is all that matters. You know how when you don't have kids and a pregnant woman says "Oh I don't care, so long as it's healthy" and you think she's full of it? COMPLETELY true, isn't it?

  3. Surprisingly, I really thought it would be a super neat experience to wait until the babe popped out and for Jensen to say "Oh! It's a ___" and to be completely surprised!! But Jens said he could NOT be that patient. He needed time to mentally prepare for what the babe would be 🙂 So, I hope you enjoy either not knowing…or getting another ultrasound in the future to find out! Whichever way you go…I cannot wait to see how stinking cute this baby will be.

  4. I'm glad that baby is happy and healthy. If baby is indeed a grl, I suggest naming her Ramona, after my favorite character, Ramona Quimby, of course 🙂

  5. Healthy is the best news….we didn't find out with our first child, either as she also happened to be uncooperative. Being surprised was ok, though, although the next two times I did find out ahead of time.

  6. Sounds like you need a better doctor! Really though – tell me she's great in all other aspects of her practice so I atleast feel better for you. Glad your baby is healthy!
    A suprise will be fun – but the question is will you buy more pink outfits to prep than blue?

  7. Hey Janssen, it is not quite that nice here in Fallon, Nevada but it is suppose to be 63 degrees which is wonderful after this winter. I spent 18 months in Mass. when I was a young woman and I had never experience such cold, snowy winters. I about frozen for the two winters I was there.

  8. …and it is dumping buckets of snow RIGHT NOW! so jealous of you in your t-shirt. and i'm pretty sure we had the same unresponsive dr. at our ultrasound!

  9. You guys need a new doc. They didn't check for the heartbeat until 16 weeks if I remember also. Lame. They didn't get a great view of our little guy either, but they pulled all kinds of tricks out to find out – peeing, walking around, kneading my stomach…

  10. Vegas has been fabulous this week hasn't it? Hailyn and I ate lunch at the park yesterday and we were HOT! AC in FEB! LOVE IT! hopefully your little (lady? lad?) will ahem uncross his/her legs soon so planning can begin! wouldn't it be funny if it was a girl and she is just lady like? anyhow congrats! maybe you'll find out at the birth! (ahh I hope sooner!)

  11. Um, is this your regular doctor? Like, the one who is likely to deliver your baby? Because if so, I'd be PISSED. Please tell me she isn't normally like this.

  12. It's true, the weather in Vegas is pretty fantastic right now! We just got back from Town Square. Now if only it stayed this lovely forever.

    I'm frustrated for you not knowing the sex! I was POSITIVE it was a girl but still wouldn't let myself buy anything until we knew for sure. Surprisingly I still buy a lot of gender neutral items so that they'll be good for future kids. Which probably means we'll have all girls and it won't have mattered anyway. The only non-gender neutral purchases, mostly, have been baby clothes.

    Will they be doing another ultrasound at some point?

  13. Okay, I'm on my soap box. Fair warning. Sorry, but I think you all are funny. Semi-serious here; semi joking. 😉

    The baby is healthy. That really truly is all that matters. Women have been having babies for thousands of years without knowing the sex or the health status ahead of time.

    Here, ultrasounds weren't used on a regular basis until sometime after 1986. And then, being able to tell the baby's gender was pretty iffy, so the doctors were reluctant to say one way or the other. Obviously, ultrasounds have improved over the years.

    A baby is God's gift, so Janssen, relax. (SMILE) Enjoy being pregnant and maybe even enjoy being surprised when the baby is born.

  14. So I don't know you at all (actually, I kind of do…kind of. When I stumbled across your blog, I recognized you because I sat behind you in Dr. Kimball's Sports and Leisure course at BYU. And then I recognized your husband, because he was my Freshman Academy counselor when I was at BYU). But anyway, I don't really know you, but I'm coming out of anonymous blog-stalking land to give you this advice, which you can totally disregard, since I'm a stranger and you will get more unsolicited advice in the next few months than you will know what to do with. But here's the advice–if I were you, I'd be getting a new doctor, pronto. I know that babies are being born all the time, but your baby isn't, and you deserve a doctor who understands how incredible this experience should be for you. And you're in Boston, right? Well if my doctor in Utah County, where babies are being born every 12 seconds, can muster up enough enthusiasm to at least pretend he cared about my situation, then your doctor in Boston can dang well do the same thing. That's just crazy she treated you like that. But maybe she was just having a bad day or in a huge hurry and she is actually an amazing doctor and, like I said, you should just disregard my advice altogether. 🙂

    Anyway, congratulations on the pregnancy. I'm glad to hear that he/she is doing well!

  15. I have done both ways…that is- find out before hand and do the surprise thing. I must say, the surprise is much better! With Kenedie, I thought, I have to find out because…blah, blah, blah….funny thing, I still bought unisex clothes (knowing my first wouldn't be my last), I still decorated for boy or girl (knowing I would use nursery for more than one child)- AND – I bought a white crib, so again….boy or girl! Once you have that precious little baby, you will still have plenty of opportunity to buy either girly girl stuff or all the boy stuff! None of this probably made you feel better (especially if you wanted to find out)- BUT..try to enjoy the surprise!

  16. Ohmygoodness!! I've CLEARLY been out of BlogLand for to long! How did I miss the inital "Hi, I'm pregnant!" post?! How did I miss this?!

    Congrats! Hooray! And I can't wait to find out what kind of munchkin you'll have!


  17. I'm also on the band wagon of get a more interested doctor. No heartbeat until the 16th week? Not even remotely attuned to the fact that you might want to know the gender? What are the odds that she'll be at all interested in what you want for your labor and delivery? I'd walk if I were you. Or I would present my birth plan at my next appointment and mean business.

    Happy the baby is doing well!

  18. it IS wonderful, isn't it?? i love the weather here too. so excited you're visiting… just emailed you my cell #!!! call us!

  19. I adore Vegas especially because it's warm.

    I bet you're right that it's a girl.

    Also, go to either the patisserie in Bellagio or there are several in the new City Center. Incredible desserts I think both you and baby will love. 🙂

  20. i can't begin to tell you how envious i am that you are in las vegas. i heard it was around feb/march that this winter stuff gets hard. have fun and eat some good mexican food for me!

  21. oh and i have a friend who didn't know the gender (this was her 3rd and she knew with the first 2) and she said not knowing made the delivery experience very spiritual and there was like a scared reverence in the room with her and her husband. because they weren't thinking about "my little girl will be a dancer" or "my little boy will be a baseball player". they were just focused on where this baby just came from and how special that was.

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