40 Weeks

We’ll see if there is a 41 week picture. I am running out of clothing that I haven’t worn in these pictures. . .

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  1. Wow, You look awesome! I am glad you are doing so great! Cant wait to see your new little cutie! Being a mom is so special, I am so happy for you and Bart! You will be awesome parents!

  2. But your clothing is always oh-so-cute (seriously). You are beautiful, Janssen. I'm so glad you're not uncomfortable at this stage.

  3. loved your due date post. i wasn't feeling demanding for you to have your baby, but i was kind of feeling jipped of a 40 week picture. glad to see it. you look so cute. i'm always pretty comfortable at the end too… which is good because my body doesn't know how to go into labor on its own. ha. i love the awkward "when are you due?" question after you pass the due date. "uh… last friday." people look at you like "please don't have that baby right now in this _____ (store, gym, etc.)" i'm glad your pregnancy has been completely magical like mine are. we're among the lucky few. 🙂

  4. You do look really good. I'm wishing the best for you. As to the duplication of clothing – I wouldn't notice. It's your face and the "belly" we want to see.

  5. You look so great. Here HERE! about the comments from people. I went a week over and I felt like there were at least a dozen people that were more anxious about it than I was. She'll be here in no time and then one day you'll look over and she'll be walking. Crazy! I'm so happy for you!

  6. I remember being on a strict 7 clothes rotation at the end when there were only a few things left. I felt like the tawny, well-figured lion. Red shirt on Mondays, black top of Tuesdays . . .

  7. You do look amazing and the dress is lovely. You can start wearing some of Bart's shirts next…you would still look great!

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