Winter Challenge: Channel Someone

Today’s challenge is to channel someone. Kayla said it could be anyone, whether or not they are famous, and I almost immediately settled on my dear friend Bethany.

She’s a blog friend turned real friend (we overlapped in Boston by about six months) and I am awe of her in practically every way. She is truly one of the kindest people I know, she and her husband are the most darling couple you could know, she kept inviting me over for dinner when Bart was out of town, and she, Casey, and Noah were always ready to join Bart and me on some Boston adventure (now that I have a child, I am amazed by how good they were at taking him around with them). She takes the most beauitful photographs.

Oh, and she has amazing style. She lent me a ton of clothing when I was pregnant and it was sad how much better her PREGNANCY clothes were than my regular clothing. Every time I saw her in real life and now (because we live far apart) when I see her on her blog, I think “I need her to get me dressed. And also buy all my clothing.”

Which is why, when I saw this shirt at Forever 21, I bought it. Because it looked like something Bethany would wear.

When I think of Bethany’s style, I think stripes, plaid, small prints, drape-y sweaters, and pink, pink, pink. And she also always dresses in a way that makes you think she just threw things on and just happens to look fabulous, not that she spent a ton of time making herself so lovely. She dresses like a real person, like a mom who snuggles her cute babies (including her 10 week-premie daughter) on the couch, and a friend who laughs at your not very funny jokes.

I love Bethany.

Shirt: Forever 21, Sweater: Forever 21, Jeans: Target
Shoes: Fossil, Earrings: Forever 21


I’m participating in Kayla’s Winter Challenge. Check it out on her blog:

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  1. OH my goshhhh!!!! I think I'm laughing and crying at the same time! Is that even possible? Why, yes it is. I'm so blushing. When I read your first sentence, I thought for SURE you were joking. Oh man, you just made my whole day. WEEK! I'm so happy you thought of me when you saw that blouse. It is DARLING, and so perfect on you. You KNOW how much I love F21. I so wish we were neighbors again so we could go shopping together. Or to just get together and eat together and let our babies have playdates together. You are quite possibly the best kind of friend a girl can have. Janssen, I love YOU!!!

  2. I LOVE that top! Great outfit, once again! (Also, just wanted to tell you I just friend requested you on Goodreads . . . obviously, you don't have to accept it if you like to keep your account to real-life friends only, but I didn't want you to wonder who the weirdo stranger was who pops up on your GR as a friend request!)

  3. I loved that you channeled a friend! You are just too pretty. I love me some F21. I've found skinnies there twice (black and gray) for just over $10. Yes, please.

  4. Bethany is an inspiration to me too on so many levels…but I definitely always think of her when I go shopping because I like her style too! I'm glad she is posting her wardrobe outfits on her blog because now that she lives far away, its been nice to try to copy some of her combinations myself 🙂

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