I am a little afraid of some things in my closet. The color or the shape or the pattern or. . .something just makes me avert my eyes when I see it. If I can’t see it, it probably can’t see me.
I’m getting braver though. I often think to myself that I’m wearing something without a second thought that, a year ago, I wouldn’t have even considered.
I won this skirt last summer from Kayla‘s 21 Day Challenge, and I loved it. Except it was so. . . stripey. And scary.
I finally got brave enough to wear it to church one Sunday. The heavens parted and angels sang and I loved this skirt.
I even look smug about leaving the house without changing into something black and boring.
I can't believe it took you a year to wear this skirt you silly girl!! Its SO flippen cute!
holy cuteness!
I love the skirt, but what scares me is the color palette. I never wear red/white/blue because, well, AMERICA! But I like this very much. On you. Not on me. 🙂 I would wear it with green, probably. Big shocker!
i LOVE this outfit! You look fabulous!
I love, love that skirt. I wish I could still buy it. You look fantastic!
it's SO cute!
When doing Kayla's Challenge, I really hoped that, if I won anything, it was that adorable skirt. I was happy that you won it, since I think you're pretty fantastic. Now, seeing it on you, I'm doubly glad, because you look so great! Way to overcome fears!
I love it! There is something a bit retro/vintagey about the whole look too, and it looks awesome. Yay for bravery!
that skirt is adorable! and it looks great on you.
I love it!
Love that skirt!
I LOVE that skirt! I saw a pattern somewhere, to make something very similar. I'm dying to try it, but as discussed, am afraid of my lack of sewing skills!
Does it make me terribly unpatriotic that the red/white/blue color combo makes me think "France" more than "America"? Ah, well. At any rate, I love this skirt– the stripes are such a wonderfully bold pattern, and it looks like the fabric is sturdy (I am bad at fabric adjectives) rather than droopy. So lovely!
Dude, that is one adorable outfit.
Ooh, I love it.
um YES.
I love that skirt on you!!
Super cute! I love that mix of colors! Good for you for wearing it! 🙂
Love the skirt. SO cute! I must not have seen you at church that day?