Thirty Four Weeks

This was the week it suddenly hit me that, oh my word; we’re having a real baby.

Next month.

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  1. With the Pirate it didn't really hit me until my water broke! And fyi, The Bug was born healthy at exactly 36 weeks. You could be taking a baby home really soon! (Or I guess it could be another 8, but I don't have any experience with that overdue thing. Or with the 38 week mark for that matter.)

  2. Can't wait to see if it hits you twice as hard when you reach 37 weeks. That's always my big moment of – I better have everything ready this is really happening SOON.
    You look great!

  3. Wahoooo! I can't wait for her to come!

    I remember thinking that he would never come. Not in the way that I was anxious, but that out of this pregnancy came a real human. It really didn't hit me until he was actually born. There was such a disconnect for me between pregnancy and actual baby.

  4. LOL, most mornings (when I am trying to find clothes that fit) I think "wow, I really am pregnant." The idea that it's a real baby hasn't totally hit yet. 🙂

  5. Yes, yes you are! Not a pretend one! Also, so jealous over your free ice cream! I love ice cream, especially right now! 🙂

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