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The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

I’m excited about EVERY book on the 2021 Everyday Reading Book Club list (you can see the whole year’s list here if you’d like!) but I have to admit that I was EXTRA excited about The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle.

Seasonal reading is so fun and reading something a little spooky is just delightful as Halloween comes up.

Also, my mom was the one who recommended this book to me after her book club read it a few years ago and she loved it, so that made it extra fun to look forward to finally picking up The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle.

And it’s been a DELIGHT – I’m so excited to discuss it this month in the Everyday Reading Book Club.

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

I’m a sucker for a book with a good premise and The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle has a GREAT premise.

The main character is Aiden Bishop but . . . you don’t meet Aiden as himself.

Instead, on the very first page, he finds himself in a body that is not his own, running through the forest calling the name of a woman he doesn’t know.

And if THAT’s not enough – he next hears a scream, a gunshot and then silence.

In case being trapped in a stranger’s body wasn’t enough, it turns out that this is just the beginning for Aiden.

That woman who he heard scream before she was murdered?

That was Evelyn Hardcastle and the day – and her death – is going to repeat every day until Aiden can figure out who murdered here and break out of the endless loop.

And just to make it more tricky, every day he’s going to wake up in a different body of someone at Blackheath Manor.

He doesn’t know who he can trust (including the hosts he’s living inside who aren’t all upstanding citizens) and solving this puzzle is going to take every bit of brains and courage he can muster.

This is the PERFECT October read – twisty and surprising and a little bit spooky (although not so scary you won’t be able to sleep).

Sometimes it feels like you read the same book over and over again, with only slightly variations and then sometimes you read something and you think, “THIS is clever and original.”

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle is definitely the latter.

Have you read this one? Or are you reading along with us this month?


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  1. I really loved this book — such a captivating read! I have to admit that I wanted to learn more about the premise behind… everything that Aidan went through and why; it didn’t feel fleshed out enough for my taste. But I loved experiencing each new host along with him, and figuring out the mystery!

  2. I listened to the audio of this when it came out and I hated it! But looking back, I think it was probably not the best fit for audio because it was hard for me to keep track of the transitions between which person he was inside of and when. I’m interested to see if anyone else listened and had the same reaction, or if this is just one of those things that everyone else loves but doesn’t click for me!

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