Neutrals and Red

Shirt: Forever21 // Jeans: Aeropostale
Bag: c/o LilyJade // Sandals: Lulus
Necklace: White Plum // Earrings: Old Navy
Sunglasses: Forever21 // Lipstick: BareMinerals
Bart doesn’t start school in London until late September but we head over to Europe in less than three weeks, so we’ll be doing a ton of traveling (Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Ukraine, The Netherlands, and France) before that first day of school.
I’m super excited, but we’re also recognizing that the keywords to this trip will be “pack light.” (And, “Tylenol of the baby and adult variety”). How much do I really want to haul all the way across the continent and back again? Pretty much a toothbrush and my phone.
Of course, when you’re traveling with two small children, there is a limit to how light you can go.
The stroller comes along, and Bart’s parents (who we are traveling with for about two weeks) informed us that renting carseats was going to be about 90 euros each, so. . .we’re taking our carseats (although we’ve given ourselves permission to ditch them after the roadtrip portion of our trip if we’re so inclined). And then actual luggage, and our stuff for the next three and a half months.
So our clothing packing is going to be as light as we can swing. I’ve been ruthlessly sorting through the clothing I have, figuring out what’s worth taking and what I can get the most wear out of, and leaning heavily toward neutral outfits like this one that I can wear repeatedly and add layers to as it gets colder this fall.
And if this means I have to buy some new stuff once we settle in London, so be it. I’ll take one for the team.
(Also, this shirt was $3.80. Sometimes you just have to mention stuff like that).

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  1. Sounds like a great itinerary! I'm a long time reader and live in Berlin, so if you're headed this way and looking for tips, let me know!

  2. I wore almost this exact outfit yesterday, and I was thinking about how perfect it is. I'm obviously a jeans and loose t-shirt kind of girl. The cute sandals, bag, and lipstick (which I never wear – but maybe I should?) take it up a notch – you look great! 🙂

  3. There's a super-cheap chain of clothing stores in the UK called Primark (there's two massive stores on Oxford Street alone, and more spread across the capital and country) where you can pick up really cute and reasonable clothing for both adults and kids. Perfect for supplementing your travel wardrobe should you need it. I pay about £1.50 for a good quality children's tee there, and even with the not-quite-so-favourable exchange rate that's rather good going. Emelie x

  4. Sooo looking forward to your posts from London, I LOVE that city (and your blog)! By the way I am from Prague and if you need any kids friendly reccomendation for Czech Rep/Prague I'm happy to help.

  5. a) Those are my favorite tees.

    b) We found this little contraption that straps the carseat onto a rolling suitcase and it is AMAZING. I think it was about $10 on Amazon.

    d) You MUST go to Lyon when you return to France.

    c) See you in Amsterdam! 🙂

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