Made by Grancie

You guys are keepers – thank you so so much for your incredibly nice comments about my announcement on Friday. And who knew I had so many readers with connections to North Carolina? It all made for a very nice weekend.
It was an even nicer weekend because my mom was here.

It was fairly low-key because Ani is still a three-times-per-day napper, but it was just delightful to have so much time to talk, talk, talk with her. We stayed up way too late, many nights in a row. Ella, unsurprisingly, was in Grancie heaven, asking before every nap and bedtime, “Will she still be here when I wake up?”

We also ate a bunch of delicious food (my Instagram feed was pretty much just one food item (cupcakes, 8 tiny cartons of ice cream for a tasting session, etc) after another over the weekend), and we even snuck in a dinner with no children, thanks to a friend who watched the girls while we were gone for a couple of hours.

Yesterday, I wore this skirt to church, which seemed appropriate because my mom made it for me. My mom is a very good seamstress and everything she’s made for me is gorgeous. This skirt, which she sent me back a couple of years ago, is no exception.

The main thing I feel badly about when I think about how I don’t like to sew much is that I probably won’t be making my own girls amazing things when they grow up. I guess their Grancie will have to pick up the slack.




Shirt: H&M // Skirt: made by my mom (similar) // Belt: Old Navy (similar)
Shoes: Hand-me-down from my mom // Earrings: Target (gift from Landen)

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  1. That skirt is beautiful! Now I'm going to have to find a pattern and make myself one. Mom's are the very best.

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