Black Shoes
Ella loves shoes. Always has (so obviously my daughter).
When we go to a friend’s house, she always wants to try on their shoes. If you come to OUR house and take off your shoes, within about five minutes, she’ll be sitting at the door, trying on your shoes.
Last week, we went to Target and I said, “We’re going to buy you some new church shoes.” She almost lost her mind, she was so excited. After we picked out a pair, she and Bart stayed in the aisle trying on different pairs for another twenty minutes while Ani and I zipped around the rest of the store grabbing thrilling things, like diapers.
(P.S. Have you tried out the Target Cartwheel app? I’d heard it mentioned, but didn’t download it until we were picking out Ella’s shoes and one of the Target employees informed me there was a 20% off coupon for kid shoes on it. I downloaded it on the spot. I think it might be replacing the coupon texts that Target used to send out? I know basically nothing about it, except that it was a free app and it saved me $3 on Ella’ shoes. I’m an easy sell.).
Anyway, Ella was super excited to wear her new shoes to church on Sunday, and when I went out to take some outfit photos, she noticed we were BOTH wearing shiny black shoes. And also, she was pretty sure she needed some outfit photos too.
(Another P.S. I mentioned on Twitter a few weeks ago how sad I was that we’d finally outgrown the last of the hand-me-downs for Ella and how I was going to have to actually BUY an entire wardrobe for Ella since she basically owned no winter clothing, and Grace and Operation Pink Herring both immediately offered to send some out-grown stuff our way. I love the Internet. Ella now has the best wardrobe in the house).
That hair on my shirt? The story of my life. In fact, about six months after we got married, a friend asked Bart what advice he’d give to someone about to be married. Bart’s answer, “Prepare to have long hairs on every item of clothing you own.”
She's so precious! Love her outfit photos 🙂 and yours! If your mom goes into business I'm all over that.
Such a lovely sweet story to come home to – and if I had some pretty girls clothes I would so send them to you!
Oh, the hair! Such great marriage advice–no truer words!
I'm so in love with Ella's outfit! Hand me downs are the best best best. And I love your outfit too!
ella is such a cutie! both of you look fantastic in your shiny black shoes.
You guys in your skirts and shiny black shoes are just too much! LOVE this. And I kind of want those shoes for Fern :).
Also…your one VS two kids posts has me super nervous for another….but I will say I am excited for the newborn stage this time around. A newborn seemed so intense the first time, but the next time I'll realize just how easy I had it – haha!
You both look lovely. My daughter loves shoes, too. Her school shoes this year are gold mary janes, and she loves them. My son loves them, too. He has not yet begin to differentiate between girl and boy styles. If it's shiny, he's a fan.
Did she seriously use the camera remote because that is that dang cutest thing I've ever seen!
Love the shoes and LOVE the photos, especially with the leaves turning 🙂
I tried commenting from my phone yesterday but those never seem to go through.
The skirt looks SO adorable on her and I'm so glad the ankle boots fit. Those were a staple for MANY many months!!!
Seriously, I'm Ella's biggest fan. She is too stinking cute! I can't wait for another "Ella Says" posts. Those seriously
Argh my phone hates leaving comments! Anyway,
As far as I can tell, you can stack Cartwheel Coupons, the 5% red card discounts, any discounts from the weekly ad, the 5% coupons you get from Pharmacy rewards, AND the mobile coupons. Kind of a pain in the you know what to keep track of it all but you can use all of them at once if you want.
haha– about the long hair everywhere! I broke our first vacuum because of all my hair and laziness to clean it.