Jacket Weather

When we were in Las Vegas and then Phoenix this summer, I pretty much couldn’t stop dreaming about being able to wear a jacket or sweater once we got to Europe.

And, indeed, all of my dreams have come true here.

The weather has been remarkably nice for the past two months, with tons of beautiful, clear days, and temperatures just right for wearing jeans and a jacket pretty much every single day.

The girls both have real coats, but we haven’t broken them out yet. It’s seriously been the most beautiful fall.

Shirt: Old Navy // Jeans: c/o ShopBop
Jacket: Kohl’s (similar on the high end and cheap low-end; guess which one mine falls on)
Shoes: Kohl’s // Sunglasses: Similar

Of course, last night, on our way home from a BBC Radio taping (if you’re in London, this is a really fun thing to do, and you can request free tickets to a taping!), it was preeeeeetty chilly, and I was wearing tights, boots, a sweater, and a coat and scarf, so the last of the warm days may be slipping away.

But I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to break the habit of wearing my sunglasses everywhere, even when the sun is nowhere to be seen. I feel super American when I look around and realize I’m the only person out in public wearing a pair.

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  1. I can't handle going outside without sunglasses. Taking a diaper bomb out to the curb, driving on cloudy days, thinking about sunshine… you name it. I didn't realize it was an American thing, I just thought it was my weeny eyes.

  2. I had no idea that sunglasses is an American thing! And this might be one of my favorite outfits you've ever worn.

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